Z MPC Minutes 10.09.24


Present: Councillors R. Farhall (Chair), N. Whines (Vice-Chair), J. Giles, M. Hardy, R. Purdie

Mrs. I. Marchant (Parish Clerk/RFO)

District Councillor E. Kirby-Green

District Councillor J. Barnes

Members of the public

1. Disclosure of interests

Councillor Hardy and Whines declared personal interests in item 12. on the agenda (donation request from Mountfield Village Hall Committee (MVHC) for the sum of £1,000 for the annual fireworks event and children’s Christmas party) as they are members of the MVHC. They will not take part in the voting.

2. Dispensations

None requested.

3. Apologies for absence

Councillor O’Sullivan sent apologies.

4. Accuracy of the minutes of the previous meeting(s)

RESOLVED: that the draft minutes of the MPC meeting held on 13.08.24 be confirmed as an accurate record of the proceedings. Councillor Purdie proposed and Councillor Hardy seconded, the voting was unanimous. The minutes were signed by the Chair.

5. Open Forum

5.1 County Council report – Councillor Field sent apologies.

5.2 District Council report (RDC) – Councillors Kirby-Green and Barnes

  • RDC will be consulting on a new Corporate Plan, to be sent out for consultation shortly.
  • There is a new Head of Planning – Gillian McGuiness.
  • Flexibus, no zones applicable now.

6. RR/2024/2467/O – SW Solar Array

  • There will be a site meeting between SW and the Mountfield Working Group on 11.09.24.
  • MPC and interested parties were shocked at RDC’s reply to a legal query from MPC. The Chair is to escalate/pursue this complaint with RDC and discuss with Councillor Kileen, he will also contact our MP and respond to the NPPF consultation (CHAIR)

In the public interest, it was agreed by all Members that item 11. be moved up the agenda.

11. Brightling Parish Council – Community Land Trust (CLT)

  • Following an enquiry from Brightling PC, options and need for affordable housing need to be looked at.
  • The idea is good in principle.
  • A housing needs survey must be carried out. This will cost approximately £3K, will RDC pay half?

7. Highways England/John’s Cross speed limits

  • The road has finally been resurfaced.
  • The speed limit past Vinehall School is 40mph.
  • MPC will request a review of mph speeds after 12 months (COUNCILLOR PURDIE)

8. Mountfield Village Hall Rest Centre/Resilience Plan

Councillor Whines is to contact British Gypsum regarding generators/heating for emergencies (COUNCILLOR WHINES)

9. ESCC Wildlife/Meadow verge applications 2025

It was agreed that two wildlife/meadows be notified to ESCC, these are:

  • The large area at the junction of Hoath Hill and Solomon’s Lane.
  • The entire northern verge (properties) of Solomon’s Lane.


10. Wastebins and collection

  • It was agreed to prioritise the waste/bin collection at the KGF entrance. The Chair is to send the Clerk details of Ewhurst wastebins and a collector (CHAIR)
  • The other requests for wastebins and collection will be considered at a later date.

12. Grants/Donations

RESOLVED: to donate the sum of £1,000 to MVHC for the annual fireworks event and the children’s Christmas party. Councillor Giles proposed and Councillor Purdie seconded, the voting was unanimous.

13. Playground

The safety report from ROSPA PlaySafety was discussed and the following actions will be taken:

  • The rocking horse that has happy memories for many residents will have to be retired as it will not pass any safety checks.
  • MPC will look at purchasing a piece of new play equipment, this will be discussed at the November meeting.
  • The Clerk has contacted Littlewood Fencing regarding the issues with the new gates.

14. MPC Asset Register

The MPC Asset Register will be redone by the Clerk. This will be shown as “restated” on the AGAR for 2024-25 (CLERK)

15. Matters outstanding

  • Defibrillator for Eatenden Lane: the Clerk now has details of the precise location, Councillor Whines is to contact again a Mountfield contractor, if they cannot install the post and backboard, the Clerk will contact another.


  • Telephone Box: in progress (CHAIR)
  • Change of MPC domain name and email suffixes to .gov: the Clerk has some reservations regarding our Registrar’s change of server to Zoho and will report back to MPC at the November meeting (CLERK)

16. Planning

16.1 No planning applications for consideration.

16.2 No other planning matters for discussion.

17. Enforcement

17.1 No Mountfield items on RDC’s most recent enforcement list.

17.2 No other enforcement matters for discussion.

18. Highways/Rights of Way

  • Approximately 200 metres of the pavement leading up to the John’s Cross roundabout has not been cleared and is unusable. The Clerk is to contact ESCC Highways as the landowner is not known (CLERK)
  • No other highways/RoW matters for discussion.

19. Finance

19.1 Bank balances at 31.08.24

  • MPC deposit account – £23,051.11
  • MPC current account – £6,628.12
  • KGF current account – £4,941.77

19.2 RESOLVED: to approve the following payments. Councillor Whines proposed and the Chair seconded, the voting was unanimous.

  • Clerk, salary/home office (Aug/Sep 2024) – £1,080.20
  • * Mastercard fee – £3.00
  • * Parish Online subscription 2024-25 – £63.00

* already paid

20. Dates of next meetings

  • 08.10.24 – full council meeting (provisional)
  • 12.11.24 – full council meeting