Z MPC Minutes 12.11.24


Present: Councillors R. Farhall (Chair), N. Whines (Vice-Chair), J. Giles, M. Hardy,

S O’Sullivan, R. Purdie

District Councillor E. Kirby-Green

County Councillor K. Field

Two members of the public: David Sturgess and Sam Dugan (Brightling Clerk)

The meeting started at 7pm. Notes were taken by the Chair.

1. Disclosure of interests

There was none.

2. Dispensations

None requested.

3. Apologies for absence

It was noted that the Clerk was unable to be present.

4. Accuracy of the minutes of the previous meeting(s)

RESOLVED: That the draft minutes of the MPC meeting held on 10.09.24 be confirmed as an accurate record of the proceedings.

The minutes were signed by the Chair.

5. Open Forum

5.1 County Council report – ESCC is working hard to find ways to reduce the forecast deficit for 2024-25 of £55m. There is a new Director of Children’s Services. The increases in the National Living Wage and employers’ NICs from April 2025 are likely to cause problems in the care sector.

5.2 District Council report (RDC) – Councillor Kirby-Green:

  • RDC needs to identify £2.5m of savings
  • There are new Heads of Finance and Planning.
  • All departments have now been given savings targets.
  • An Enforcement T&F Group was put on hold, pending the appointment of a new Head of Planning.
  • A survey of the views of Clerks on planning enforcement has been passed to the Development Manager.
  • Unfortunately, not all RDC’s Enforcement officers have planning backgrounds and, it appears, enforcement continues to be a low priority.
  • Within the last few days, the National Landscape Association had issued guidance to LPA officers. Sam Dugan has reviewed the document and offered to send his summary.
  • Although RDC’s budget provides for the employment of five enforcement officers, to achieve savings three posts only have been filled.

5.3 Public Question Time

David Sturgess observed that, although Southern Water appears to have completed repairs in Mountfield Lane, equipment and detritus remain. Cllr Giles had approached SW about this but was awaiting a response. It was agreed to ask the Clerk to follow this up. (CLERK)

6. RR/2024/2467/O – SW Solar Array

Cllr O’Sullivan reported that, following the initial site meeting, anther meeting had been held between the WG and SW.

She read out – and elaborated on – the additional questions the WG would like the Clerk to put to SW. (CLERK)

Sam Dugan advised that, at its meeting on 13 November, Brightling PC will be considering submitting a complaint about the way RDC had dealt with both the SW solar arrays LDC and applications/enforcement in respect of Coldharbour Farm. BPC is especially aggrieved that RDC has not kept it updated on Coldharbour Farm developments.

MPC could not support BPC’s Coldharbour Farm complaint because of lack of knowledge about the matter; however, it was minded to support the general issues/concerns BPC had identified – and it was agreed to ask the Clerk to draft something to this effect. (CLERK)

7. Highways England/John’s Cross speed limits

Cllr Purdie reported that National Highways is claiming that the most recent serious accident at Johns Cross had nothing to do with the increased speed limit – citing ‘other factors’. He considered that, had the limit remained at 30mph, it was unlikely that there would have been a fatality.

National Highways had responded to all Cllr Purdie’s points/questions but, other than an intention to check traffic speeds over the next 12 months, there was no sign of the agency deviating from its previous stated positions.

The low noise, black top surface is appreciated by those living on the A21. The 40mph Speed Indicator Sign is still not working.

RESOLVED: To follow up MPC’s concerns with National Highways early in the New Year. (CLERK)

8. Mountfield Village Hall Rest Centre/Resilience Plan

Councillor Whines reported that he had obtained a price from an electrician to install a suitable switch to attach a generator (of sufficient capacity).

He had arranged a meeting with Tanya Young to explore what (if any) emergency response support might be forthcoming from British Gypsum.

He would aim to update Members at the January MPC meeting.

9. Playground

RESOLVED: To ask the Clerk to obtain play equipment/activities proposals for the whole of the site. (CLERK)

10. Consultation – Enabling remote attendance and proxy voting at local authority meetings

The Chair offered to draft a response and circulate it for comment (deadline: 19.12.24). (CHAIR)

11. Matters outstanding

  • Defibrillator for Eatenden Lane: Ongoing (CLERK)
  • Telephone Box: Ongoing (CHAIR)
  • Change of MPC domain name and email suffixes to .gov: Clerk to update at next meeting (CLERK)

12. Planning

12.1 Planning application for consideration:

  • RR/2024/1848/P – 1 Woodsdale Cottages, London Road

Demolition of existing structures and erection of outbuilding to be used as overspill living accommodation for family.

RESOLVED: Support approval – subject to the condition that the development proposed is not used as a dwelling separate from 1 Woodsdale.

12.2 Any other planning matters for discussion.

It was noted that RR/2024/1779/P Valentine Ridge, London Road would be discussed at the December 2024 meeting.

13. Enforcement

13.1 It was noted that there were no Mountfield items on RDC’s most recent enforcement list.

13.2 Any other enforcement matters for discussion.

There was none.

14. Highways/Rights of Way

14.1 Contracts Management Group, Urban grass cutting 2025

RESOLVED: To continue with ESCC’s two standard cuts. (CLERK)

14.2 Overgrown hedges, A21 (Johns Cross).

RESOLVED To ask the Clerk to write to the residents, asking them to cut back their hedges from the footway. (CLERK)

14.3 Any other Highways/ROW matters for discussion.

There was none.

15. Finance

15.1 Bank balances at 31.10.24

RESOLVED: To note the balances following:

  • MPC deposit account – £23,200.19
  • MPC current account – £4,332.58
  • KGF current account – £4,848.37

15.2 RESOLVED: To approve the payments following:

  • Clerk, salary/HO (Oct/Nov 2024) – £1,080.20
  • Ticehurst PC pledged amount – £1,500.00

15.3 RESOLVED: To approve the second quarter accounts at 30.09.24, as provided by the Clerk.

16. Dates of next meetings

RESOLVED: To note the dates following:

  • 10.12.24 – Full Council Meeting
  • 21.01.25 – Full Council Meeting

Cllr O’Sullivan advised that she would not be able to attend the December meeting.