Draft Minutes of the Mountfield Parish Council Planning/Enforcement Meeting held on 14.12.21

Councillors S. Rickman-Smith (Chair), P. Miles, J. Ray
Mrs. I. Marchant (Parish Clerk/RFO)

1. Disclosures of Interest

None declared.

2. Dispensations

None requested.

3. Apologies for Absence

Apologies were received from Councillors Hardy, Taylor and Whines.

4.  Open Forum

Public Question Time – No members of the public were present.

5. Planning

5.1 Planning applications for  consideration

RR/2021/2586/P – 2 Crossing Farm, land at Eatenden Lane
Application for reserved matters for the approval of access, appearance, landscaping, layout and scale for the erection of a pair of semi-detached dwellings (outline application approved on appeal APP/U1430/W/18/3218578).
Agreed – to support this application.  The Chair and Councillor Miles agreed support, Councillor Ray objected.

RR/2021/2386/P – 9 Mountfield Villas, Solomons Lane
Demolition of existing garage and erection of replacement detached garage.
Agreed – to object to this application on the following grounds:

  • The current building line must be maintained, so it does not protrude by approximately 3.3 metres as proposed.
  • Ideally the ridge height should be reviewed so it becomes less overbearing.

RR/2021/2700/P – 1 Mountfield Villas, Hoath Hill
Proposed demolition of existing storage building and erection of replacement detached garage building.
Agreed – to support this application.

5.2 Other planning matters for discussion

  • Resolved – to confirm the Clerk’s delegated authority to respond, on behalf of MPC,  to planning applications when it is not possible to hold a meeting.  This authority will only be used when absolutely necessary.  The Chair proposed and Councillor Miles seconded, the voting was unanimous.
  • Concern was expressed by Members at the number of undecided planning applications still held by RDC.  At 14.12.21 (includes all Rother applications) the number was 170.  Mountfield had 15 application still undecided.
  • In spite of the above numbers causing concern, the Members agreed that things were improving, albeit very slowly.

6. Enforcement

  • No Mountfield items on recent RDC weekly enforcement list.
  • There are major concerns regarding enforcement issues at Baldwins Farm and RDC’s enforcement action is noted.

7. Dates of next meetings

  • 18.01.22 – Full Council Meeting
  • 08.02.22 – Planning Meeting (provisional, will only be held if required)