Z Mountfield Parish Assembly 2024

As you know, the Mountfield Parish Assembly 2024 was held at Mountfield Heath School this year. It was well attended and a real treat for everyone to visit the school, meet Lindsey Jeffries (Executive Headteacher) and Sam Duggan (Assistant Head). They made us extremely welcome and the refreshments were first class.
It was an extremely enjoyable evening for all, the tour of the school was probably the highlight.
Residents had an opportunity to ask questions and raise concerns with their County, District and Parish Councillors, the points raised were:
* There were concerns about the amount of rubbish being dumped on the highways, most probably from passing and parked cars. MPC are looking to install a rubbish bin at the entrance the the Southern Water site at New Cross.
* There was serious concern about the proposed changes to the speed limits at John’s Cross, also the constant closures by Highways England. MPC, with others, are campaigning against the changes to speed limits.
* There is a mains leak opposite the property “Tunstall,” this will be reported to ESCC Highways.
* Richard Farhall (MPC) told the gathering that 2 more parish councillors are needed . Please contact Richard at – [email protected] or Irene at – [email protected] if you are interested.
* Details of the Rother Local Plan will be put up on this website.

Parish Assembly 2024 Reports