Z MPC Minutes 09.07.24


Present: Councillors R. Farhall (Chair), N. Whines (Vice-Chair), J. Giles, S. O’Sullivan

Mrs I Marchant (Parish Clerk/RFO)

This meeting was recorded – audio only.

1. Disclosure of interests

Councillor Whines declared a personal interest in item 8. on the agenda, as he is a member of Mountfield Village Hall Committee and will not take part in any voting.

2. Dispensations

None requested.

3. Apologies for absence

Councillors Hardy and Purdie sent apologies.

4. Accuracy of the minutes of the previous meeting(s)

RESOLVED: that the draft minutes of the MPC Annual meeting held on 14.05.24 and the planning meeting held on 11.06.24 be confirmed as an accurate record of the proceedings. The Chair proposed and Councillor Giles seconded, the voting was unanimous.

5. Open Forum

5.1 County Council report (ESCC) – Councillor Field sent apologies.

5.2 District Council report (RDC) – Councillor Kirby-Green sent apologies.

5.3 Public Question Time – no members of the public present.

6. RR/2023/2467/O – land south of Park Pale House

  • RESOLVED: the Terms of Reference for the MPC/residents working group were agreed. Councillor O’Sullivan proposed and Councillor Giles seconded, the voting was unanimous.
  • The following were considered (notes from the working party site meeting) for discussion with Southern Water (SW):
    • How far back can the solar array be placed from the road.
    • Exactly what type of fencing and size are SW intending to install.
    • Assurance is needed from SW that this is the final project and no further panels will be installed.
    • To continue to lobby SW for a permissive path around the reservoir.
    • Exact information is required from SW, everything appears to be approximate.
    • To urgently set up a site meeting with SW. (CHAIR/CLERK)
  • RESOLVED: to support the TPO recently submitted by a Mountfield resident to preserve a stand of mature oaks on the site. Councillor Whines proposed and Councillor O’Sullivan seconded, the voting was unanimous. (CLERK)

7. Highways England/John’s Cross speed limit

A 40mph speed limit past Vinehall School has been agreed by National Highways. Councillor Purdie will brief fully at the July meeting. (COUNCILLOR PURDIE)

8. Grants/Donations

RESOLVED: to grant the sum of £1,000 (community fund) to Mountfield Village Hall Committee to buy equipment for a toddler group which is ready to start. Councillor Giles proposed and Councillor O’Sullivan seconded, the voting was unanimous.

9. Mountfield Village Hall Rest Centre/Resilience Plan

  • Volunteers are needed, publicity through the website, The Messenger, leafletting.
  • A discussion was held regarding the need for MVH to have its own generator, British Gypsum will be asked for advice/assistance.
  • An approach to local farms for information for equipment that may be needed in an emergency.


10. Matters outstanding

  • Defibrillator for Eatenden Lane, awaiting post and backboard to be installed.
  • Change of suffix for MPC to gov.uk, this matter is now on hold as MPC’s registrar has moved to different server. It will be looked at again in the autumn.
  • Telephone box, in progress.

11. Planning

11.1 Planning application for consideration:

  • RR/2024/988/P – Jasmine Cottage, Hoath Hill

Erection of 2 wooden sheds in rear garden to be used as hobby rooms.

AGREED: to support this application.

11.2 MPC’s comments on the RDC Local Plan, the Chair asked that member’s comments are sent to the Clerk within five days. It was stressed that any development in Rother must have infrastructure in place. (CHAIR/CLERK)

Post meeting note: MPC’s comments regarding the above have now been sent to RDC and will be published on our website.

12. Enforcement

12.1 No Mountfield items on RDC’s latest enforcement list. There is no update on enforcement action at Walters Wood.

12.2 No other enforcement matters for discussion.

13. Highways/Rights of Way

  • The A2100 pavement between New Cut and the John’s Cross roundabout is now unusable due to debris and overhanging vegetation. ESCC Highways now will not deal with such issues and state it is the responsibility of the landowner. The Clerk will contact the landowner. (CLERK)
  • The drain outside the entrance to the KGF was repaired by ESCC Highways, it is now damaged again. (CLERK)

14. Finance

14.1 Bank statements at 30.06.24

  • MPC deposit account – £23,051.11
  • MPC current account – £4,574.04
  • KGF current account – £4,886.77

14.2 RESOLVED: to approve the following payments. Councillor Whines proposed and the Chair seconded, the voting was unanimous:

  • Clerk, salary, home office, expenses Jun/Jul 2024 – £1,104.18
  • Satswana, DPO services 2024-25 – £90.00
  • * Godaddy, website security (1-year) – £129.46
  • * Amazon, 2 USB flashdrives – £88.70
  • * ICO registration 2024-25 – £40.00
  • * Clear Councils, MPC insurance 2024-24 – £552.38
  • * Mastercard fee – £3.00

* Already paid

14.3 RESOLVED: to approve the first quarter accounts at 30.05.24 as presented by the Clerk, with the exception of the Statement of Earmarked Reserves. This statement will be amended by Councillor Whines. The Chair proposed and Councillor Whines seconded, the voting was unanimous.

1.4 RESOLVED: to update the MPC and KGF mandates to enable Councillor O’Sullivan full access and authorisation for on-line banking. Councillor Whines proposed and Councillor Giles seconded, the voting was unanimous.

15. Dates of next meetings

  • 13.08.24 – full council meeting (originally a planning meeting only)
  • 10.09.24 – KGF meeting (starts 6.45pm)
  • 10.09.24 – full council meeting

16. Exclusion of Public and Press

RESOLVED: to exclude the public and press from discussions on item 17. The Chair proposed and Councillor Whines seconded, the voting was unanimous.

17. Closed Session

RESOLVED: to spend up to £2,000 plus VAT for a legal opinion on whether there are grounds for revoking RDC’s issue of an LDC in respect of RR/2023/2467/O. Funds will be issued from both the legal and general reserves. The Chair proposed and Councillor Giles seconded, the voting was unanimous.