Present: Councillors R. Farhall (Chair), J. Giles, M. Hardy, S. O’Sullivan, R. Purdie
Mrs I. Marchant (Parish Clerk/RFO)
One member of the public
1. Disclosure of interests
None declared.
2. Dispensations
None requested.
3. Apologies for absence
Councillor Whines sent apologies.
4. Accuracy of the minutes of the previous meeting(s)
RESOLVED: that the draft minutes of the MPC meeting held on 09.07.24 be confirmed as an accurate record of the proceedings. Councillor Giles proposed and Councillor Hardy seconded, the voting was unanimous. The minutes were signed by the Chair.
5. Open Forum
Public question time, the one member of the public was attending to hear what is the current situation one the proposed SW solar array in Mountfield Lane.
6. RR/2024/2467/O – SW proposed solar array, land south of Park Pale House
- MPC are still waiting for a reply from SW regarding a site meeting (see post meeting note).
- MPC have submitting a list of questions requiring answers at the above meeting.
- MPC will request, yet again, a date for the above meeting.
- The Clerk will chase the progress of TPO 626318272 (CLERK)
Post meeting note: SW have replied regarding the site meeting and this has been set for 11.09.24 at 3pm. Both SW and MPC have submitted a list of attendees.
7. Highways England/John’s Cross speed limits
Councillor Purdie is drafting an email to Highways England and will circulate first to MPC (COUNCILLOR PURDIE)
8. Mountfield Village Hall rest centre/resilience plan
This item will be discussed at the MPC September meeting (COUNCILLOR WHINES)
9. Matters outstanding
These items will be discussed at the MPC September meeting.
10. Planning
10.1 Planning applications for consideration:
- RR/2024/1116/P – Archers Wood, London Road
Proposed extension to existing outbuilding.
AGREED: to support this application.
- RR/2024/1094/P – 2 Woodsdale Cottages, London Road
Proposed two-storey extension as an alternative to approval of RR/2024/517/P.
AGREED: to support this application.
- RR/2024/911/P – Old Park Pale, Mountfield Lane
Create wider parking area. Form new side entrance door to provide direct access from the parking area. Construct a timber-framed extension to extend kitchen area. Refurbish the house and carry out minor internal alterations to update the accommodation. Reconstruct the existing garage to create a new annexe for ancillary accommodation to the main house. Install a new shed and small deck.
AGREED: to support this application, subject to the approval of RDC’s Conservation Officer.
- RR/2024/912/L – Old Park Pale, Mountfield Lane.
Listed building consent for above application.
AGREED: to support this application, subject to the approval of RDC’s Conservation Officer.
10.2 No other planning matters for discussion.
11. Enforcement
11.1 No Mountfield items on RDC’s latest enforcement list.
11.2 No other enforcement matters for discussion.
12. Highways/Rights of Way
- A2100 pavement from New Cut to John’s Cross roundabout. The landowner has cleared the pavement and overhanding foliage up to the boundary of their land. The Clerk will contact the landowner who owns the rest of the land up to the roundabout (CLERK)
- The broken drain at the entrance of the KGF will be reported to ESCC Highways (CLERK)
- With autumn and winter approaching, a close eye should be kept on the “repaired” culvert to avoid major flooding on the A2100.
13. Finance
13.1 Bank balances at 31.07.24:
- MPC deposit account – £21,051.11
- MPC current account – £3,471.32
- KGF current account – £4,851.77
13.2 RESOLVED: to approve the following payments. Councillor Hardy proposed and Councillor Purdie seconded, the voting was unanimous.
- RALC subscription 2024-25 – £32.00
- Mitch Safety (fire extinguishers KGF) – £95.00
- * Amazon, 2 flash drives (back-ups) – £164.97
- * Godaddy, emails update (1-year) – £200.59
* already paid
Note: MPC are happy to release £1.5K to Ticehurst PC, as pledged, on receipt of supporting evidence.
14. Dates of next meetings
- 10.09.24 – KGF meeting (starts 6.45pm)
- 10.09.24 – full council meeting
- 08.10.24 – full council meeting (provisional)