Z MPC Minutes AM 14.05.23


Present: Councillors R. Farhall (Chair), J. Giles, M. Hardy, S. O’Sullivan, R. Purdie

Mrs. I. Marchant (Parish Clerk/RFO)

Members of the public

27th May 2024

Mountfield Parish Council received Peter Miles’s resignation with great regret. Peter had been a long serving member of MPC and had been Chair twice.

He will be remembered for his dedication to the High Weald AONB, Mountfield, its history and preservation as a rural village, his planning expertise and consideration for all Mountfield residents, also his work with The Messenger and Save Darwell.

Peter left MPC to form the Mountfield Residents Association and devote his time to one issue, the Southern Water new sewerage scheme, fighting on behalf of those residents affected. Peter was instrumental in getting the faulty work removed and undertaken correctly.

Members agreed unanimously to thank Peter for his contributions to the Parish and to wish him and Val well.

1. Election of Chair for 2024-25

RESOLVED: that Councillor Farhall be elected Chair for the council year 2024-25. Councillor Giles proposed and Councillor Hardy seconded, the voting was unanimous. The Chair signed the Declaration of Office and counter-signed by the Clerk as Proper Officer.

2. Election of Vice-Chair for 2024-25

RESOLVED: that Councillor Whines be elected Vice-Chair for the council year 2024-25. The Chair proposed and Councillor Giles seconded, the voting was unanimous.

3. Co-option of New Councillor

RESOLVED: to co-opt Susan O’Sullivan as a Member of MPC. Councillor Purdie proposed and Councillor Hardy seconded, the voting was unanimous. Councillor O’Sullivan, who has served previously, signed the Declaration of Office, counter-signed by the Clerk as Proper Officer.

4. Disclosure of Interests

None declared.

5. Dispensations

The Clark as Proper Officer granted Councillor O’Sullivan a dispensation to discuss matters relating to the King George’s Field (MPC are the sole Trustee).

6. Apologies for absence

Councillor Whines sent apologies.

7. Accuracy of the minutes of the previous meeting

RESOLVED: that the draft minutes of the MPC meeting held on 12.03.24 be confirmed as an accurate record of the proceedings. Councillor Hardy proposed and Councillor Purdie seconded, the voting was unanimous.

AGREED: due to the public concern regarding RR/2023/2467/O, land south of Park Pale, installation of solar arrays, CCTV and security fencing, it was agreed to discuss items 20. Planning and 18. Consultation on the draft Rother Local Plan 2020-24 and RDC draft Housing and Economic Land Availability next.

The public’s concerns are included in item 20. The agreement was unanimous.

20. Planning

20.1 Planning application for consideration.

RR/2024/556/P – Crowhurst Farm, Storage Barn, Eatenden Lane

Proposed kiln drying facility.

AGREED – to support this application with the caveat that a traffic impact assessment must be produced.

20.2 Any other planning matters for discussion.

  • RR/2023/2467/O – Southern Water, land south of Park Pale, Mountfield Lane, installation of solar arrays, CCTV and security fencing.
  • This application was not on the RDC weekly planning lists and notices to nearby residents from Southern Water was the first MPC and residents were aware of it. It has raised major concerns from residents and MPC on its impact on the AONB, nearby residents and lack of information.
  • AGREED: that MPC will raise a formal complaint to RDC. They will also contact Rother Association of Local Councils (RALC), the High Weald AONB and the Campaign for Rural England. (ACTION: CHAIR)
  • Ofwat will also be contacted for confirmation that Southern Water have fulfilled their obligations regarding ecology, it is believed that there are great crested newts on the site. (ACTION: CHAIR)
  • Southern Water will be invited to the MPC Planning/Extraordinary Meeting on 11.06.23 to explain fully their proposal (ACTION: CHAIR)
  • MPC will investigate legal actions available to them (ACTION: CHAIR/CLERK)

18. Consultation on the Draft Rother Local Plan 2020-2040 and the RDC Draft Housing and Economic Land Availability (HELAA)

Ideas on MPC’s response are to be filtered to the Clerk for collation and agreement at the MPC Planning/Extraordinary Meeting on 11.06.24. (ACTION: ALL)

8. Open Forum

8.1 County Council report (ESCC) – Councillor Field sent apologies.

8.2 District Council report (RDC) – Councillor J. Barnes

  • The Town Board has been selected to handle the levelling up funds from Central Government.
  • There was a fatal accident outside Vinehall School (see item 12)

8.3 Public Question Time – serious concerns from residents regarding Southern Water’s application RR/2023/2467/O (see item 20.2).

9. Approval of the Annual Governance and Accountability Return 2023-24 (AGAR)

9.1 RESOLVED: to approve the Annual Governance Statement (Section 1). Councillor Purdie proposed and Councillor Hardy seconded, the voting was unanimous.

9.2 RESOLVED: to approve the Accounting Statements (Section 2) Councillor Hardy proposed and Councillor Purdie seconded, the voting was unanimous.

9.3 RESOLVED: to approve the Explanation of Variances and Bank Reconciliation at 31.03.24, Councillor Purdie proposed and the Chair seconded, the voting was unanimous.

9.4 To thank Mr. Harding for the constructive and positive manner in which he conducted the MPC Internal Audit 2023-24 and to appoint him as MPC’s internal auditor for the AGAR 2024-25.

10. Re-adoption/amendments to MPC’s council documents

This item will be moved to the agenda for the MPC July meeting, as NALC have just issued new model Financial Regulations.

11. MPC appointments to outside organisations

  • That the Chair and Councillor Purdie will represent MPC at RALC meetings/matters.
  • That Councillor Hardy and Councillor Whines will represent MPC for Mountfield Village Hall matters.

12. National Highways/John’s Cross speed limits

  • Very recently there was a fatal accident outside Vinehall School.
  • Another email will be sent to National Highways requesting updated information on speeding vehicles, as the information sent was deemed to be unreliable.


  • National Highways will review all objections from MPC and Vinehall School to their proposed increase in speed limits. Their comments are expected by the end of May.

13. Mountfield Village Hall Rest Centre/Resilience Plan

This item will be discussed at the MPC July meeting. (ACTION: COUNCILLOR WHINES)

14. MPC change of domain name and email suffixes

This item will be discussed at the MPC July meeting (ACTION: CLERK)

15. Defibrillators

Quotes are being obtained for a post and backboard for the defibrillator to benefit the residents of Eatenden Lane. (ACTION: CLERK)

16. MPC Environmental Policy

RESOLVED: to accept the final draft, Councillor Hardy proposed and Councillor Giles seconded, the voting was unanimous. The Clerk will format and publish.


17. Matters outstanding

The works to the Telephone Box are still in progress.

19. Playground

  • The new seats have been delivered and will shortly be fitted.
  • The PlaySafety ROSPA is due in June.
  • Councillor Hardy is to carry out weekly inspections.
  • Two new picnic tables with benches are to be installed.

21. Enforcement

21.1 No Mountfield items on RDC’s enforcement list.

21.2 No other enforcement items for discussion.

22. Highways/Rights of Way

The manhole at the entrance to the KGF (A2100) has collapsed, it was recently “repaired” about 4/6 weeks ago.

23. Finance

23.1 Bank balances at 30.04.24

  • MPC deposit account – £22,894.59
  • MPC current account – £3,381.09
  • KGF current account – £4,174.77

23.2 RESOLVED: to approve the following payments. Councillor Giles proposed and Councillor Purdie seconded, the voting was unanimous.

  • Clerk, salary/home office (Apr/May 2024) – £1,080.20
  • * UserWay subscription 2024-25 – £346.51
  • * Mastercard fee – £3.00
  • * Trish Jones (map) – £16.79

23.3 RESOLVED: to approve the fourth quarter accounts at 31.03.24 as presented by the Clerk. Councillor Purdie proposed and Councillor Hardy seconded, the voting was unanimous.

23.4 All Members are currently ensuring they can log into UT’s on-line banking system for authorisations and information.

24. Dates of next meetings

  • 11.06.24 – Extraordinary (planning) meeting.
  • 09.07.24 – Full Council meeting