RR/2020/1922/P 6 Mountfield Villas, Hoath Hill
Proposed two-storey side extension, single-storey rear extension and internal alterations.
Click on the link below to see full details on the RDC planning website
RR/2020/2192/P Baldwins Farm, Mountfield Lane
Section 73A retrospective planning application for temporary residential occupation of existing barn/office building.
Click on the link below to see full details on the RDC planning website
RR/2020/2206/P Baldwins Farm, Mountfield Lane
Section 73A retrospective planning application for the erection of garaging to service Baldwins Farmhouse.
Click on the link below to see full details on the RDC planning website
RDC have given a deadline of 22.12.20 for responses – MPC have asked for extensions for responses and we hope these applications will be on the agenda at our full council meeting on 12.01.21.