We started the UK lockdown on 23.03.20 and it was extended by 3 weeks on 16.04.20 and nobody seems to have any idea of where we are all going after that. Let’s hope there is some positive news soon, but I don’t think we will be able to live our normal lives for some months yet.
I’d like to thank Jane Clark – Parish Clerk/RFO at Westfield – for her great work in pulling lots of information together and sending it out to the Rother Clerks Group – she has been magnificent!
Safe sites for Coronavirus information
Click on this link for coronavirus information from the NHS
Click on this link for coronavirus information from GOV.UK
Click on this link for advice on dental matters from the NHS
Safe information from from other bodies
Advice from Citizens Advice Bureau Rother District
Advice from East Sussex County Council
Advice from Rother District CouncilAdvice from Rother District Council
Advice for those registered on the Shielded Group
- When someone registers on the shielded list it is Central Government, not East Sussex County Council (ESCC) that arranges a food delivery.
- ESCC contact the individual(s) and check the package is suitable etc., and whether they have other needs. They can provide an alternative food parcel e.g. dietary requirements, non-food essentials etc.
- If there are multiple people involved, i.e. living in the household – they will look to respond for the whole household.
- ESCC have also been providing food for the week immediately after someone registers with the Government scheme and there is not a clear delivery date, so that they are not short in the initial period. This may result in some double deliveries.
- The ongoing food delivery is, for the vast majority of people in the shielded group arranged by Central Government and undertaken by a private company.
- ESCC can always check if someone is registered on the scheme from the data they are sent, but they have no way of changing that data in any way, either adding on or taking off individuals, or change the support they have asked for.
- Queries with regard to the shielded group food delivery can be directed to [email protected] or by calling 01273 481242.
ESCC are also calling the individuals on the shielded group to check if they need additional support. However, if there is support in delivering medication in place through local systems, i.e. volunteers through a local scheme or via the parish councils, it is likely that this will stay in place. Therefore, ESCC will only be taking over the management of a shielded person when either –
- The individual has no means of getting their medication through local support.
- The individual asks ESCC to do this rather than continue using the local network.
Click on this link for supermarket information
Food shops operating in Rother during this emergency
Planning – Rother District Council
Click on the link below to see the latest information from Rother District Council Planning Department.
RDC Planning information during this emergency
Mountfield Parish Council business
As with all parish councils in Rother, we are dealing with essential business only. We have 2 planning applications – both posted on this site – and will respond via our delegated authority. I am currently preparing the year-end accounts (AGAR) at 31.03.20 and will soon be “delivering” them to our internal auditor. It will be very different this year as we cannot meet up – it is always a positive thing to meet up with your internal auditor who is completely neutral and not involved with the parish council at all. It is a great opportunity to discuss systems and how the RFO deals with “the money.” I’ve had some great advice from internal auditors over the year. This year I’ll have to drop off the finance documents with our auditor and we will deal with any queries by email.
The Adventures of Alfie
Well, we have had the great nail cutting drama – he was actually very good (no screaming)! I only took a tiny bit off his claws and will probably have to look at them again in a couple of weeks. His coat is getting longer and longer and he is starting to look like Denis Healey! I am gearing myself up for his “home-made” grooming session, I’ve had a look at all the videos on the web, but the groomers are professionals and all the dogs are incredibly well behaved, I can’t guarantee Alfie’s behaviour, although his groomer says he is always very good – I’ll let you know all about it shortly.
We’ve been walking the beautiful Dallington Forest nearly everyday, it is very quiet and we only meet a few people – we all stand back and carefully observe social distancing.

We did the Millennium Walk at Heathfield today, as we had to pick up Freddie’s prescription from the Heathfield Surgery. Very beautiful and only met a few walkers (with their dogs) – all very civilised.
I seem to have lots of plates spinning in the air at the moment and must settle down and get on with things. The parish council work is a very good thing for me, as I have to get it right and there are deadlines. My broadband is all over the place at the moment – people working from home, school children working at home and everyone streaming, it has taken me about two hours to get this post together, but then, everyone is in the same boat. My knitting has been put on hold, I don’t really feel like it at the moment. I have three pairs of socks on the go and really must take a deep breath and get on with them. It is usually a relaxing hobby for me, as you have to count the stitches on each needle (rather Zen) -breath!

Sincere thanks to everyone who is helping us at the moment, not forgetting our Dallington volunteers. Look after yourselves.
Irene – Parish Clerk