New planning application Mountfield with listed building consent.
RR/2020/1777/P – Johns Cross Inn, Johns Cross
Alterations and extension to adapt accommodation so that it is more suitable for use as a domestic dwelling as approved under previous planning and listed building consents (RR/2016/1446/P, RR/2016/1447/L, RR/206/832/P and RR/2016/833/L). Works to include, internal alterations, removal of existing lean-to extension, removal of modern chimney stack and erection of new rear extension and a picket fence to the front of the property.
Click on the link below to see full details of the application on the RDC planning website
RR/2020/1778/L – Johns Cross Inn, Johns Cross
Listed building consent for above.
Click on the link below to see full details of the application on the RDC planning website
These will be on the agenda at the next MPC meeting on 10.11.20.