RIP David Gasson 1949-2025

Many of you will know and remember David, who was born in and lived in Brightling all his life.
When Freddie and I moved to Dallington in 1988, we met David through Brightling and Asburnham Cricket Clubs when Freddie joined.
He became a good friend and would often pop in for a coffee and a chat – I typed up his “Brightling Birds” section for the Messenger for many years.
He was the centre of village life for most of his life and served as Chair of the Brightling Parish Council, he was also a Churchwarden and Member of Brightling PCC for many years.
He was a Trustee of the Brightling Village Trust and took over the running of all the other village charities.
A keen bellringer from childhood and Captain of the Bells from 1999.
He played for Brightling Park Cricket Club from his youth, regularly topping the batting and bowling averages as well as maintaining the cricket ground.
David was the driving force behind Brightling’s annual village litter clean-up and the carol singers at Christmas.
He will be much missed and Freddie and I have lost a good friend.



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