If you are interested in applying/more details, please contact Sussex Police and Crime Panel directly via the links below.
From: Ninesh Edwards
Sent: 14 April 2021 09:41
To: Trevor Leggo
Dear Trevor,
Sussex Police and Crime Panel is looking for two Independent Members, to each serve a maximum five-year term. Applicants should live in Sussex. The Panel has the statutory task of holding Sussex Police and Crime Commissioner to account. We’ve had a significant level of interest from parish councillors when the position has been advertised in the past.
More details can be found here: https://www.westsussex.gov.uk/jobs/job-search-details/?nPostingId=74632&nPostingTargetId=85825&id=PA8FK026203F3VBQBV7QW798C&LG=UK&mask=baconfig
I would be grateful for any help you could provide in publicising the opportunity within your parish council networks, as you have done to good effect previously!
The ad was first published on Monday, with a closing date of 14 May.
Thanks for any help, and best wishes,
Ninesh Edwards – pronouns he/him
Senior Advisor, Democratic Services
West Sussex County Council, Room 102 (Cabinet Office), 1st Floor, County Hall, Chichester PO19 1RQ