RR/2023/298/P – 4 Barrack Cottages, John’s Cross Road
Installation of replacement windows to front and rear of property.
Click on this link to see full details on the RDC planning website
RR/2023/299/L – 4 Barrack Cottages, John’s Cross Road
Listed building consent for above application.
Click on this link to see full details on the RDC planning website
RR/2022/2581/P – Fox Earth, field adjacent to Mountfield TN32 5LX (London Road)
Change of use from agricultural to flexible commercial use to allow for the erection of 4 glamping pods with individual parking spaces, recycling and storage facilities, communal parking area, electric vehicle charging point and turning area; creation of an access track linked with an existing shared entrance; creation of footpaths to the site; landscaping.
Click on this link to see full details on the RDC planning website
Deadline for all comments to RDC is 24.03.23. These applications will be on the agenda at the MPC meeting on 21.03.23.