To put it bluntly, without urgent action, Mountfield will lose its Village Hall and the Club will lose its home in approximately two years. The reasons for this are straightforward.

First, several groups who provided regular, bread-and-butter bookings did not survive Covid.

Secondly, it is clear that life will not be the same as before the Pandemic and business is not returning to pre-Covid levels — ask local shopkeepers or restaurants. And these social changes are affecting village halls too.

Without action now, Mountfield will lose its Village Hall and the Club will lose its home in two years

Finally, there is the rise in energy prices. Mountfield Village Hall was very lucky: our electricity renewal notice arrived about 10 days before the ‘Energy Crisis’ hit the headlines — and the renewal quote was for a cool 100% increase! Neil, our treasurer, managed to find a deal at only 70% increase but other halls have been faced with 200%, 300% or worse. Energy costs are the biggest single factor simply as a result of the scale of the rise and because they are beyond our control.

Neil recently spelt out the economics of the situation:

Despite reducing maintenance, suspending capital investment and increasing prices, my current forecast for March year end is a deficit of -£4,400. Our total reserves then will be about £9,500. This works out to around two years left (i.e. mid-2025). However, the contract only freezes our electricity costs until December 2024 when they are likely to rise. And, of course, in the meantime, suppliers’ prices will continue to rise as energy costs rise.

“We have little or no room for further cost-cutting so we need to increase income but even matching our best ever hire figure of £8,444 (2019-20) would still only produce approximately £3.3k of extra income against the forecast annual deficit of £4.4k. To make up the forecast deficit would require an extra 24 hours hire per month at £15 per hour.”

That’s a tall order but not impossible. We know what needs to be done but we just don’t have enough helpers to do what’s required. To make things happen, we need more trustees and more for the Management Committee. But we also need volunteers who have any specific skills to offer such as graphic design, social media, marketing, painting, building maintenance, sponsorship deals, etc. And we also need helpers who can let a tradesman in, or show someone round; research local caterers or bouncy castle hirers; source grants for any particular projects; whatever — or to pour teas. And we can always use ideas. So…

… there will be a special meeting, in Mountfield Village Hall to discuss the problem on:

Tuesday April 25th at 7.30.

Please come along with ideas, offers to help, or just moral support. See you there.

Peter, Neil, Nick, Steve, Trish


£7,000.00 from SE Water Community Scheme

Due to the recent water outage at Mountfield, SE Water have paid Mountfield Parish Council £7,000.00 in compensation – to be spent for the benefit of the Mountfield Community.
This is the only way SE Water will compensate Mountfield residents, despite efforts by myself and other clerks of parishes that were involved – they will not compensate individual residents.
So we are asking you all how you wish the funds to be spent – there will be an opportunity for you all to let us know at the Mountfield Parish Assembly – to be held on 18th April 2023, 7.30pm in Mountfield Village Hall and I would also ask that if you wish to let us know before that – please email me with your wishes at  clerk@mountfield.org.uk
Irene – Parish Clerk

British Gypsum and its Communities Survey

Social Change are conducting a survey for British Gypsum and the details are below.
If you wish to take part, please please click on this link

We’re conducting research on behalf of British Gypsum to understand stakeholder and community perceptions of British Gypsum. We are carrying out this survey with a range of people who live and/or work within a community local to a British Gypsum site. The aim of this research is to start a conversation with the people and communities close to the sites on how the company can be a good neighbour. As a thank you for completing this survey, there is the opportunity to enter a prize draw to win a £100 shopping voucher at the end of this survey.

This survey is being conducted by Social Change, an independent social research and marketing agency, on behalf of British Gypsum. All of your answers will be stored securely and kept confidential. This means we will not identify you at any point in the storing, processing and reporting of the data. You can view more information about our policy and how we work in line with GDPR by clicking here. If you require an accessible format or would like to ask any questions about this work, please get in touch by emailing research@social-change.co.uk.


SAVE THE DATE!! – 18.04.23

Apologies – I put the wrong date in my last post for the Parish Assembly.

It should be 18th April 2023, starting at 7.30pm in Mountfield Village Hall.

As always, this is an informal gathering of the Mountfield clubs and organisations and the Mountfield community.
You will have the opportunity to meet your County and District Councillors. chat to old friends, make new ones and have a glass of wine (or a soft drink) with us.
I must stress that this is not a Mountfield Parish Council meeting and no decisions etc., can be made.  If you wish any matter to be placed on our agenda, please contact me on – clerk@mountfield.org.uk
Looking forward to seeing you all.

SAVE THE DATE! – 11.04.23

The Annual Mountfield Parish Assembly will be held on 11th April 2023, starting at 7.30pm in Mountfield Village Hall.
As always, this is an informal gathering of the Mountfield clubs and organisations and the Mountfield community.
You will have the opportunity to meet your County and District Councillors. chat to old friends, make new ones and have a glass of wine (or a soft drink) with us.
I must stress that this is not a Mountfield Parish Council meeting and no decisions etc., can be made.  If you wish any matter to be placed on our agenda, please contact me on – clerk@mountfield.org.uk
Looking forward to seeing you all.

Parish Council Elections 4th May 2023

As you all know, parish councils elections will be held on 4th May and there are existing vacancies for Mountfield Parish Council.

For further information and should you wish to stand, please see the following information from Richard Adams (Election Services Manager) at Rother District Council.

Dear all,

I’m writing to let you know that nomination papers for both the district and parish council elections are now available to download from the Rother website at the following link:


The current elections page also includes links to the timetable, Electoral Commission guidance, annotated nomination papers, and request forms for the electoral register/absent voters lists, along with other information.  I hope you find these resources useful.

In addition, I have attached a copy of the parish council nomination papers (as well as the annotated nominated papers) to this email for convenience.

I would strongly encourage candidates to refer to the annotated nomination papers before completing their own papers – they are a really good resource which will take them through what needs to be included on every page of the forms.

Please forward this email on to any of your Councillors who will be standing again, as well as anyone else who expresses an interest in standing as a candidate.

As ever, please let me know if you have any questions.

Kind regards,


Richard Adams

Electoral Services Manager

Corporate Core – Electoral Services
01424 787826

I also have the nomination papers, so you can contact me for these and further information.

Irene – Parish Clerk

01424 838414/07711224150 – clerk@mountfield.org.uk

Missing agendas and minutes on website

We have yet another issue with our website and some agendas and minutes are inaccessible using the Parish Council > MPC Meetings 2022-23 menu.
To ensure all users can access this information, please use the links below in the meantime.
MPC Meeting 30.08.22
MPC Extraordinary Meeting 28.09.22
MPC Meeting 01.11.22
MPC Meeting 17.01.23
MPC Planning Meeting 14.02.23






Minutes of the MPC Planning Meeting – 14.02.23

Until the issues with the static pages on our website are resolved, MPC minutes will be sent via posts.


Present: Councillors S. Rickman-Smith (Chair), M. Hardy, P. Miles, J. Ray, N. Whines

Mrs. I. Marchant – Parish Clerk/RFO

Two members of the public

1. Disclosure of Interests

None declared.

2. Dispensations

None requested.

3. Apologies for absence

Apologies were received from Councillors Cooper and Taylor.

4. Open Forum

A member of the public stated that an allegation made by another member of the public at the MPC January meeting was untrue. This concerned issues with a land drain.

5. Planning

5.1 Planning applications for consideration

  • RR/2022/2835/FN – Lodge Gate, land to the south.

No response is required, this is a Farm Notification application.

  • RR/2022/2991/P – Old Stable Yard, Vinehall Road

Conversion of parts of remaining building to create 4 dwellings, parking and amenity space and improvement of existing yard area. Use of existing access to Vinehall Road (A21). Existing dwellings to remain.

AGREED – to support this application.

5.2 No other planning matters for discussion.

6. Enforcement

6.1 No Mountfield items on RDC’s most recent enforcement list.

6.2 No other enforcement matters for discussion.

7. Dates of next meetings

14.03.23 – KGF meeting (starts at 7.00pm)

14.03.23 – full council meeting (starts 7.30pm)

Problems with website

We are still having issues with the website.
The problem is PAGES, these are the static links which are accessed from the top of the screen, e.g. Parish Council, and the tables normally accessed from these cannot be updated.
We are working on it and until the issue is resolved, MPC minutes will be sent out as a post.
Irene – Parish Clerk