Very happy to announce that Mountfield has a Tree Warden – he is Nick Betts and has the full support of Mountfield Parish Council.
Nick’s contact details are
Email –
Phone – 077107 22294
A website for all those who live in Mountfield
Very happy to announce that Mountfield has a Tree Warden – he is Nick Betts and has the full support of Mountfield Parish Council.
Nick’s contact details are
Email –
Phone – 077107 22294
British Gypsum have commissioned a survey by Social Change UK. It will take about 10/15 minutes to complete if you wish to take part.
All of your answers will be kept confidential and you will not be identified in how this research will be used to inform the activities or next steps for British Gypsum. You can find out more about our policy in line with GDPR through this link.
Click on the link below to take part in the survey.
I’m sure you all know by now that Rother and Hastings have been moved to Tier 4, this was on Saturday 19.12.20. Click on the link below for full details.
Click on this link to see full details from Rother District Council
Click on the link below to see the email from Malcolm Johnston, Chief Executive at Rother District Council confirming Rother and Hastings have been moved up to Tier 3.
I learnt today that Colin died in the early hours this morning, he had been ill for some time.
He will be remembered with much love by the Mountfield community and neighbouring parishes, Colin seemed to know everyone.
He devoted his life to Mountfield – chairman of the parish council for many years and a founder member of Battle Area Community Transport.
People sometimes called him “Mr. Mountfield,” he didn’t like that too much, but it was always said with affection.
I remember his kindness and patience when I became Mountfield parish clerk – April 2010 – the time he spent with me telling me all about its history, problems and he was a continual source of support.
It is another sad day for Mountfield.
Irene – Parish Clerk
East Sussex County Council are undertaking a public consultation on the East Sussex Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan (LCWIP).
The deadline for responses is 11.12.20.
You can see full details on the link below
Should you have any queries, please email –
We received the very sad news today that Tim Tidmarsh died yesterday, we believe it was a heart attack.
Tim was a much-loved member of the Mountfield community, known with affection to so many of us.
His legacy will be the Mountfield Cricket Club, the beautiful King George’s Field, his work with Mountfield Horticultural Society and in the memories of so many friends in Mountfield.
Our sincere condolences to Angela and his family and the Mountfield Cricket Club.
I feel very sad today.
Irene – Parish Clerk
Mountfield Village Hall Committee will be holding their annual general meeting on 20.10.20 at 7.00pm.
Please click on the link below to see full details
No real end in sight yet – all we can do is to stay safe and look after each other safely.
Be careful, lots of very dubious information out there, the following sites are safe
Click on this link for coronavirus information from the NHS
Click on this link for coronavirus information from GOV.UK
Click on this link for information from Rother District Council during this emergency
Dallington Parish Council cannot be responsible for any information held on this site, but it is generally thought to be a reliable source of financial information, particularly during this emergency.
Click on this link to go to Money Saving Expert
Grateful and sincere thanks to everyone out there who are working endlessly to keep us safe and our lives as normal as they can possibly be – all who work in the NHS, the carers, all the keyworkers, all in the emergency services, the military, all the shop assistants, the food bank volunteers and all those in essential jobs. You have our heartfelt thanks.
They are always out there and scammers will take the opportunity of this emergency to to try to defraud, upset and generally increase the levels of anxiety. If you get any emails (I’ve had a couple) asking for money, threats, the old “click on this link” request or any email that you feel is not genuine – DELETE! DELETE! DELETE! – a safe website for advice is the Police’s Action Fraud site, the link is below
Click on this link to go to the Police Action Fraud website
1. Sainsburys (all Sainsbury shops)
Monday to Saturday 0730-0800 priority for NHS workers (will need ID)
Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays 0800-0900 priority for the elderly, keyworkers and the disabled.
2. Co-op (Heathfield and Battle)
Monday to Friday 0800-0900 priority for keyworkers, the elderly and disabled.
3. Waitrose (Heathfield)
Monday to Saturday 0700-1000, first opening hour is priority for keyworkers, the elderly and disabled. They are also giving NHS workers priority at the checkouts.
4. Local shops (ring first)
Netherfield Stores and Post Office – 01424 838589
Rushlake Green Village Stores – 01435 830381
The Old Orchard Village Shop – 07969 778985
Zero Heathfield – 07391 490098
Eggs to Apples – 01580 860566
Venison and Lamb meat packs – 07780 707006
They have gathered together a big group of volunteers from all the Heathfield churches and are happy to help you if you are self-isolating and can also put you in touch with other local volunteers. Their numbers are – 01435 863786 and 01435 864646.
A young astrophysicist, Dr. Daniel Readon, was trying to invent a device to stop people touching their faces. He ended up in hospital with magnets stuck up his nose! Every mother reading this probably rolled her eyes and thought I’ve got one like that – good brain, but no common sense – I know I have. However, full marks Dr. Daniel for trying. There’s a link below to the Guardian article.
Click on this link to see the Guardian article about Dr. Daniel Reardon
He’s very bored and missing his woodland walks as we’ve decided to just exercise him in the field behind our house. I’ve just looked out of our window and there are no fire-breathing sheep in the adjacent fields – so he should be safe. We are going to have to bite the bullet soon and clip his nails, not looking forward to it, but will have to be done.
Stay safe all of you, look after yourselves and each other.
Irene – Parish Clerk
I have had some sad news from Ann-Marie Crosse – Jane Sherwin has died from coronavirus.
Many of you in Mountfield, Brightling and Dallington will remember Jane as a teacher and also vicar of All Saints, Mountfield.
I have no more details, but you can get in touch with Ann-Marie on 01424 838504.
Irene – Parish Clerk