We had a very pleasant evening at the Mountfield Parish Assembly on 18th April. It was particularly nice to catch up with old friends and meet some new ones.
One of the highlights was a presentation to Dave Wadeson, known with much affection as “Dave the Post,” after very many years of service above and beyond the call of duty, we are certainly going to miss him and wish him a long and happy retirement.

Lindsey Jeffries – Executive Head – at Mountfield Heath School – and told us all about the incredible work they are doing at the school and offered to host the Parish Assembly in 2024.
The Battle Ramblers were there, have a look at their programme of walks and Health Walks (on the reports link). The work they do to keep our precious footpaths open and accessible is very much appreciated.
Everyone enjoyed a glass of wine or a soft drink (they ate all the crisps) and enjoyed a good chat.
The reports from organisations and clubs are on the link below.