Council Tax Rebate Scheme

Please see below details of the Council Tax Rebate Scheme, these have been sent by our District Councillor – Eleanor Kirby-Green.

The 20,000 households in bands A-D who pay their Council Tax by Direct Debit will receive the £150 into their bank account in around 2 weeks.  This follows the April Council Tax payment which verifies the bank details used to pay the April instalment as current and genuine.

The 9,000 households in bands A-D who pay their Council Tax by other means will be contacted to encourage them to give their bank details so we can pay direct.  Otherwise a post office payment scheme may be available, or at last resort, a credit onto their Council Tax bill.  This credit is not desirable as the scheme is meant to be a cash back scheme.

The 15,000 households in bands E-H who do not automatically qualify, will be able to apply for a discretionary scheme, if they reach certain criteria.  A cross-authority scheme is being agreed across East Sussex and will be subject of a Cabinet report in June.  There will be enough money in this scheme to support about 1,900 further households with £150. 

Agenda for MPC Annual Meeting on 10.05.22


5th May 2022

Parish Council Members are summoned to the Annual meeting of Mountfield Parish Council to be held on 10th May 2022 at 7.30pm in Mountfield Village Hall.
Members of the press and public are welcome and encouraged to attend.
Irene Marchant – Parish Clerk/RFO
St. Giles, Woods Corner, Dallington, East Sussex TN21 9LA
01424 838414/0771122 4150 –

1. Election of Chair for 2022-23

2. Election of Vice-Chair – 2022-23

3. Disclosure of interests

To receive any disclosures by Members of personal interests in matters on the agenda, the nature of any such interest and whether the Member regards the interest as a disclosable pecuniary interest under the terms of the Code of Conduct.

4. Dispensations

5. Apologies for absence

6. Accuracy of the minutes of the previous meeting(s)

7. Open Forum

7.1 County Council report (ESCC) – Councillor K. Field

7.2 District Council report (RDC) – Councillor E. Kirby-Green

7.3 Public Question Time

8. Approval of the Annual Governance and Accountability Return 2021-22 (AGAR)

For Members to approve, by resolution, the following:

8.1 The Certificate of Exemption 2021-22.

8.2 The Annual Governance Statement 2021-22 (Section 1).

8.3 The Accounting Statements 2021-22 (Section 2).

8.4 The Explanation of Variances and Bank Reconciliation at 31.03.22.

8.5. To thank Mr. Harding for the constructive and positive manner in which he conducted the internal audit for MPC 2021-22 and to appoint him as MPC’s internal auditor for 2022-23.

For information, MPC have been selected for an Intermediate Review by PKF Littlejohn this year.

9. Re-adoption/amendments to MPC’s council documents

10. MPC appointments to outside bodies

11. Email Reponses

To discuss the procedure for email responses between the Members and Clerk, bearing in mind we only meet for full council meetings every eight weeks. Comments for planning responses sometimes, albeit rarely, have to be made using the Clerk’s delegated authority.

(Councillor P. Miles)

12. Matters outstanding from previous meetings

12.1 Resilience/Crisis Plan for Mountfield (Councillor Randle)

12.2 Gigabit Broadband Voucher Scheme (Councillor Randle)

12.3 Welcome Packs (Councillor Miles)

12.4 MPC Environmental Policy (Councillor Miles)

It is understood that due to the time and effort involved in the above matters and personal commitments, these issues will not be finalised at this meeting.

13. The Queen’s 70th Jubilee

To decide finally that MPC will buy an oak bench (engraved/with a plaque) to commemorate this and donate a Jubilee Cup to the Mountfield Cricket Club.

14. Planning

14.1 Planning application(s) for consideration

Amended application

RR/2022/216/P – The Banks, Greenhouse, Mountfield Lane

Demolition of existing greenhouse building and erection of replica building to be used for holiday accommodation.

Click on this link to see full details on the RDC planning website

Amended application

RR/2022/217/L – The Banks, Greenhouse, Mountfield Lane

Listed building consent for above application.

Click on this link to see full details on the RDC planning website

14.2 Other planning matters for discussion

  • RR/2021/1907/P – John’s Cross Café, Land at John’s Cross Road. The applicant has appealed to the Secretary of State against the decision of RDC to refuse planning permission.
  • Any other planning matters for discussion.

15. Enforcement

15.1 No Mountfield items on RDC weekly enforcement list.

15.2 Any other enforcement matters for discussion.

16. Highways/Rights of Way

To discuss any highways/rights of way issues.

17. Finance

17.1 Bank balances at 30.04.22

  • MPC deposit account – £22,386.25
  • MPC current account – £3,932,37
  • KGF current account – £3,947.91

17.2 To approve the following payments

  • Clerk, salary/HO (Apr/May 2022), expenses – £940.41
  • *Adobe DC subscription – £181.10
  • *UserWay subscription – £339.28
  • *Mastercard fee – £3.00

*Already paid via Mastercard

167.3 To approve the cash book and bank reconciliation at 30.04.22.

18. Dates of next meetings

14.06.22 – Planning meeting (provisional, will only be held if required)

12.07.22 – Full council meeting


Two amended planning applications for Mountfield

RR/2022/216/P The Banks, Greenhouse, Mountfield Lane
Demolition of existing greenhouse building and erection of replica building to be used for holiday accommodation.

Click on this link to see full details on the RDC planning website

RR/2022/217/L The Banks, Greenhouse, Mountfield Lane
Listed building consent for above application.

Click on this link to see full details on the RDC planning website

These applications will be on the agenda at the MPC Annual Meeting on 10.05.22.

Mountfield Parish Assembly 2022-23 reports

We all had a very enjoyable evening at the Mountfield Parish Assembly 2022-23 – catching up with old friends and meeting new ones, particularly with a glass of wine in hand.
The reports from the people/organisations that make Mountfield great are listed below, just click on the links.

East Sussex County Council

Rother District Council

Mountfield PCC

Mountfield Village Hall

The Messenger

Darwell Area Conservation Society (DACS) and walks information

Mountfield Cricket Club

Mountfield Football Club

Battle Area Community Transport (BACT) and information

Mountfield Community Arts

Battle Ramblers


Road closure A2100 13-16th May

The A2100 will be closed on 13.05.22-16.05.22 to allow Network Rail to carry out railway maintenance works – 30 metres at either side of the level crossing.
The diversion will be via – A21(T) Vinehall Road/Woodmans Green Road/Hastings Road/New Road/Whydown Hill/Kent Street/Ebdens Hill/Sedlescombe Road North-A2100 Junction Road/The Ridge West/Battle Road/Hastings Road/Battle Hill/Lower Lake/High Street and vice versa.
Advance warning signs will be placed on site advising of actual date of works.
If you need to discuss this further, please contact Network Rail on 0345 711 4141.

Map A2100 road closure 13-16 May

Mountfield Parish Assembly 2022

The Mountfield Parish Assembly 2022 will be on 12th April 2022, to start at 7.30pm.
Although hosted by the Parish Council, this is not a parish council meeting, but an opportunity for the Mountfield community, those involved in it (Council and District Councillors etc.) and Mountfield organisations to get together, enjoy a glass of wine (soft drinks will also be available), chat to each other and met up with old friends.
All reports will be available for you to read at your leisure at the Assembly and they will be posted on this website.
It is an enjoyable social event and we hope to see you all there.