2 New Planning Applications for Mountfield

There are 2 new planning applications for Mountfield.  Click on the links to see full details on the RDC planning website, where you can leave a comment, object or support.  The deadline for responses is 03.03.20.

The Tack Room, John’s Cross – construction of first floor extension with replacement render with insulation to part of building.

4 Glottenham Farm Cottages – demolition of existing extension, porch and outbuildings, erection of side, back extension and new porch.

The Mountfield Parish Assembly 2020 (14.04.20)

A change of venue this year!  The Mountfield Heath School has very kindly offered to host the Assembly 2020 and we all look forward to a great evening.
The Mountfield Heath School is at John’s Cross TN32 5JW (with good parking) and their website is at – https://www.mountfieldheathschool.co.uk/
So, come along and join us on Tuesday 14th April for the Mountfield Parish Assembly 2020, enjoy a glass of wine and meet the people from our Mountfield organisations, find out what they are doing and meet up with friends and neighbours.
It’s a friendly and informal evening and a great chance to catch up with Mountfield news.
We hope to have a guest speaker – more details later.
This year is the 900th Anniversary of our beautiful church – All Saints – and we hope the Parish Assembly will play a part in this.  It’s going to be a busy and exciting year for Mountfield.
The Assembly will start at 7.30pm, it is not a parish council meeting, but a great chance for us all to get together.
Please come back to me – Irene (Parish Clerk) if you need any more information.
01424 838414 – [email protected]



Battle Town Council Neighbourhood Plan Consultation

There is a formal pre-submission public consultation on the draft Battle Civil Parish Neighbourhood Plan – this will begin on 20.01.20 for a period of six weeks – ending at 5.00pm on 01.03.20.
The draft Neighbourhood Plan and supporting documents can be seen on the following website – www.battleneighbourhoodplan.co.uk

Click on the link below to see full details about inspecting the draft plan (off-line), drop-in sessions, emailing the Battle Town Clerk, also details on how to make comments.
Details – Battle Civil Parish Neighbourhood Plan

Flooding at Church Lane

Latest update –

  • East Sussex Highways are preparing to put signage up – dangerous flood.
  • The Environmental Agency is urgently looking into the issue of foul water being flushed from a Klargester at a neighbouring property.
    Irene – Parish Clerk 17.01 20.12.19



Sussex Uncovered 3

In November, the Sussex Community Foundation published its report – Sussex Uncovered 3.
It is a data-fuelled report that looks at the needs and strengths of Sussex – East, West and Brighton and Hove.  A key finding is that homelessness has risen dramatically in parts of Sussex, with many more individuals and families on the edge of losing their homes.
Click on the link below to read the full report.
Sussex Uncovered 2019

Your Clerk has been hacked!

If you receive an email from “me,” – from [email protected] and the reply email address is [email protected] – PLEASE DELETE IMMEDIATELY AND DO NOT CLICK ANY LINKS.
This is a strange one and BT are looking into it.  My BT email address has not been active for some 6/7 years and did not have the “v” in it.
I’ve run a full scan on all my devices and they are safe.
Irene – Parish Clerk