Roadworks Church Road, Mountfield – 07.12.23 to 08.12.23


Church Road, Mountfield

Dear Resident,

Balfour Beatty is working in partnership with East Sussex County Council to manage the highways service across East Sussex. As part of this, we will be carrying out targeted patch repairs in Church Road, Mountfield.

Once completed, these works will help improve the condition of the road surface.

When do they start?

Work will be carried out on Thursday 7 December and Friday 8 December. We will inform you of any changes to the dates or times via advanced warning signs on site.

How will this impact highway users?

The team will be working in the vicinity of All Saints` Church. A diversion route will be in place via Kent Lane, Mountfield Lane, Kent Lane, Brightling Rd, Station Rd, George Hill, A21, A2100, New Cut & vice versa.

The road will be closed to through traffic between 7am and 7pm.

If you need vehicle access, please discuss this with the team on site to see if this is possible. Please bear in mind there will be delays whilst the area is made safe, and your vehicle is escorted by site marshalls.

Information for residents and businesses

Parking: If required, we will put out ‘no parking’ signs and cones on the site to advise where parking is restricted. Please avoid parking in these locations as it will delay our works.

Weather: All of these works are subject to favourable weather conditions, for example heavy rain may affect the progress of the works.

Properties close to the carriageway may experience a temporary disturbance as this can be a noisy process and those properties may experience flashing lights and reversing sirens.

We would like to take this opportunity to apologise in advance for any inconvenience or disruption this work may cause, however this forms part of our continuing improvement for the East Sussex highway network.

For information on roadworks and journey planning, visit Please follow us on X (formerly Twitter) @esccroads or Facebook @EastSussexHighways for updates. If you would like to know more about East Sussex Highways and what we do, please visit our website

Thank you,

East Sussex Highways

Report a problem here: Leave feedback on these works here:

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Map of works area and diversion route

Mountfield Children’s Christmas Party 09.12.23

The Mountfield Children’s Christmas Party is taking place on Saturday 9th December from 3-5pm.
It is for all children aged 0-11 years who are resident in Mountfield or have a connection to Mountfield.
It is free, supported by profits from the Bonfire Event.
Please contact Jo Perkins – 07979 481383 – to book your child/children’s place.
Please do this urgently, by 30.11.23 at the latest, so that we can be sure of numbers being catered for.

Childrens Xmas Party 2 9-12-23

Agenda for MPC meeting on 14.11.23


Parish Council Members are summoned to a meeting of Mountfield Parish Council, to be held on 14th November 2023, at 7.30pm in Mountfield Village Hall
Members of the press and public are welcome and encouraged to attend

Irene Marchant (Parish Clerk/RFO)

St. Giles, Woods Corner, Dallington, East Sussex TN21 9LA

01424 838414/07711 224150

1. Disclosure of Interests

To receive any disclosures by Members of personal interests in matters on the agenda, the nature of any such interest and whether the Members regards the interest as a disclosable pecuniary interest under the terms of the Code of Conduct.

2. Dispensations

3. Apologies for absence

4. Accuracy of the minutes of the previous meeting(s)

5. Open Forum

6. Grants/Donations

To consider the following:

  • To donate approximately £500.00 to the MVHC for insulation for their new container, a quotation/invoice will be required.
  • To donate £1,000.00 to the MVHC towards costs for the Bonfire Event.

7. New fencing/clearance for playground

The Mountfield Estate has given permission for clearance so new fencing can be installed. Quotes cannot be obtained until the foliage clearance is completed.

(Councillor Hardy to update)

8. Highways England/John’s Cross speed limits

To consider the current situation and actions to be taken.

(Councillor Purdie to update)

9. MPC Environmental Policy

To discuss this further and agree any amendments.

(Councillor Farhall to brief)

10. Mountfield Village Hall Rest Centre/Resilience Plan

To discuss the use of the Village Hall during emergencies.

(Councillor Whines to brief)

11. Affordable Housing

To decide on whether to commission a Housing Needs Survey for Mountfield.

(Councillor Farhall to brief)

12. MPC change of domain name

To discuss/resolve the change of MPC’s current domain name and email suffixes to

13. ESCC Grass Cutting Services for 2024

To agree the standard of service Mountfield requires for 2024.

14. Defibrillators

To consider the purchase/installation/location of another defibrillator to benefit the residents of Eatenden Lane, as residents have requested.

15. Matters Outstanding

  • Welcome Packs – in progress.
  • Telephone Box – specification/quotation required (Councillor Farhall to brief)
  • Broadband, Eatenden Lane (Clerk to brief)

16. Planning

16.1 Planning applications for consideration:

  • RR/2023/2053/P – 1&2 Old World Cottages, Vinehall Road

Formation of vehicular access to existing cottages with shared parking and off-road turning area.

  • RR/2023/2090/L – Ittington Manor Farm, London Road

Partial reconstruction of the rear wall and repairs to the Piggeries and Chicken House at Ittington Manor.

16.2 Any other planning matters for discussion.

17. Enforcement

17.1 No Mountfield items on RDC’s latest enforcement list.

17.2 Concerns over removal of hedge and erection of brick wall at The Barn, Eatenden Lane.

17.3 Any other enforcement matters for discussion.

18. Finance

18.1 Bank balances at 31.10.23

  • MPC deposit account – £27,025.85
  • MPC current account – £6,316.21
  • KGF current account – £4,458.75

18.2 To approve the following payments:

  • Clerk, salary, HO, back pay (Oct/Nov 2023) – 767.30
  • * Godaddy domain renewal – £43.16
  • * Godaddy email renewal – 761.33
  • * Mastercard fee – £3.00
  • * Cleveland Containers – £3,108.00

18.3 To approve the 2nd quarter accounts at 30.09.23 as presented by the Clerk.

19. Dates of next meetings

  • 12.12.23 – Planning Meeting (provisional)
  • 16.01.24 – Full Council Meeting

Storm Ciaran

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am writing regarding our preparations for Storm Ciarán, which will come to the UK on Thursday 2nd November.

As you may be aware, UK Power Networks manages the local power lines and substations which distribute electricity to over 8.5m homes and businesses across London, the South East and the East of England.

Storm Ciarán will bring with it strong winds and rain, and an amber alert has been issued by the Met Office.

Our electricity network is built to be resilient but strong winds and heavy rain can bring down branches and trees, damaging overhead power lines. Where this happens we work to restore power as quickly and safely as possible.

We have organised for additional staff in our contact centre and more engineers on the ground, particularly for Storm Ciarán, to be available to help customers whose electricity supply might be affected by the predicted weather.

Both you and your constituents will be able to find regular updates and information about individual power cuts on our website . We will also be posting general updates on @UKPowerNetworks .

Anyone experiencing a power cut should:

  • Visit to view our live power cut map, with details of individual power cuts or to report a power cut
  • Call 105 free of charge to report damage to the network or speak with our customer service team
  • Tweet @UKPowerNetworks to report a power cut or to receive updates

We advise people to stay clear of power lines and report damaged power lines immediately by calling 105 free from either a landline or a mobile phone. If they see electricity lines that are down or causing significant risk to the public they should call 999.

We provide extra help to customers on our Priority Service Register during a power cut.  Households with people of pensionable age, those with a health condition, have children under five living with them, or someone in the household who uses medical or mobility equipment that requires electricity, as well as those who may be in vulnerable circumstances during a power cut, can join the register.  You can find out more information about our Priority Service on our website: .

If you would like to share information with your residents about preparing for the storm or registering for the Priority Service Register, you might like to share the following on Twitter or to your local Facebook pages:

As a result of #StormCiarán, heavy rain and high winds are due to arrive on Thurs 2 November. @UKPowerNetworks has extra field engineers and call centre staff on hand to support any customers affected. Visit or call 105 for any issues regarding your electricity supply #ukpnnews

If you have any questions, or if I can help in any way, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Yours faithfully,


Michael Horwood

Public Affairs Manager

UK Power Networks

Newington House

237 Southwark Bridge Road

London   SE1 6NP


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