Agenda for MPC meeting 11.07.23


Parish Council Members are summoned to a meeting of Mountfield Parish Council, to be held on 11th July 2023, at 7.30pm in Mountfield Village Hall

Irene Marchant (Parish Clerk/RFO)

St. Giles, Woods Corner, Dallington, East Sussex TN21 9LA

01424 838414/07711224150

1. Disclosure of Interests

To receive any disclosures by Members of personal interests in matters on the agenda, the nature of any such interest and whether the Member regards the interest as a disclosable pecuniary interest under the terms of the Code of Conduct.

2. Dispensations

3. Apologies for absence

4. Accuracy of the minutes of previous meetings

5. Open Forum

5.1 County Council report (ESCC) – Councillor K. Field

5.2 District Council report (RDC) – Councillor E. Kirby-Green

5.3 Public Question Time – to receive any questions from members of the public on items on this agenda.

6. Reserves

For members to discuss how best begin to spend the high reserves currently being carried by MPC. These consist of CIL (£4,468.00) and SE Water compensation payment (£7,000.00).

7. MPC Environmental Policy

Members have received hard copies of this policy drafted by the Chair. To consider its implications and finalise the draft, it will then be published.

8. New Fencing for playground

To finalise arrangements for meeting at the playground to decide what is actually required.

9. 2023 Jubilee Cricket Match

The 2023 Jubilee Cricket Match will take place on 20th August 2023, full details will be posted on our website.

10. Co-option of New Member

To agree to start the co-option process for a new Member.

11. Matters Outstanding

  • Broadband (in progress)
  • Welcome Packs (in progress)
  • Resilience Policy (in progress)
  • Telephone Box (in progress)

12. Planning

12.1 Planning applications for consideration

  • RR/2023/1294/P Riverhall House, Solomon’s Lane

Replacement of existing sunroom glazed roof with a solid roof covering, forming a usable rear porch.

Click on this link to see full details on the RDC planning website

  • RR/2023/1295/L Riverhall House, Solomon’s Lane

Listed building consent for above application

Click on this link to see full details on the RDC planning website

12.2 Any other planning matters for discussion.

13. Enforcement

13.1 No Mountfield items on RDC’s most recent enforcement list.

13.2 Any other enforcement matters for discussion.

14. Highways/Rights of Way

14.1 To discuss the latest developments on A21 speed limit increase and a FOI request to Sussex Police.

14.2 To discuss the recent verge cutting by ESCC Highways.

14.3 Any other Highways/RoW matters for discussion.

15. Finance

15.1 Bank balances at 30.06.23

  • MPC deposit account – £30,809.07
  • MPC current account – £3,256.90
  • KGF current account – £4,685.92

15.2 To approve the following payments:

  • Clerk (salary/home office/expenses) June/Jul 2023 – £930.78
  • Mulberry & Co. Training – £180.00
  • Trish Jones (litter board) – 51.00
  • Satswana (DPO service 2023-24) – £90.00
  • * Godaddy (website security) – 107.86
  • * Speak-IT Solutions (recorder) – £274.00

* Already paid

15.3 To approve the first quarter accounts at 30.06.23 as presented by the Clerk.

16. Dates of next meetings

  • 08.08.23 – planning meeting (provisional)
  • 12.09.23 – full council meeting

17. Exclusion of Public and Press

Pursuant to Section 1((2) of the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960, to resolve

that the public and press be excluded from consideration of item 18. as it may include legal information.

18. Closed session


New planning application for Mountfield

RR/2023/1294/P – Riverhall House, Solomon’s Lane
Replacement of existing glazed roof with a solid roof covering, forming a usable rear porch.
Click here to see full details on the ESCC planning website

RR/2023/1295/l – Riverhall House, Solomon’s Lane
Listed building consent for above application.
Click here to see full details on the ESCC planning website

This application will be on the agenda at the MPC meeting on 11.07.23.

Battle Ramblers – Programmes July to September 2023

Please click on the links below to see the Battle Ramblers programme for evening walks and their three month walk programme.
The Ramblers do vital work for our rural communities, checking footpaths, keeping them open and reporting breaches to the ESCC Right of Ways Team.

Battle Ramblers Evening Walks July-September 2023

Battle Ramblers 3-Month Walk Programme July-September 2023

Strike action next week on Southeastern Railway

Strike action is due to take place on Southeastern on the following days:
* Wednesday 31.05.23
* Friday 02.06.23
* Saturday 03.06.23
In additional, ASLEF will be implementing an overtime bank on 01.06.23.
No services on Wednesday 31.05.23 and Saturday 03.06.23.
Services will not be running on the above dates, for alternative transport options visit Traveline information

* There will be a limited service on Friday 02.06.23 and some routes will be closed – please check before you travel.
* If you are travelling, expect some disruption and plan ahead.
* Trains that are running will be busier and are likely to start later and finish earlier.
* You may be unable to board trains at stations where a limited service is running, especially on the first few trains in the morning.  Queuing systems are in place in some stations to ensure that trains have enough room onboard for customers to join along the route – this is continually under review.
* Only 58 out of 180 stations will be open. No replacement buses will serve stations that are closed. For alternative transport options visit Traveline Information

Online timetables for Friday 02.06.23 will be updated in journey planners this weekend.

Mountfield Parish Assembly 2023

We had a very pleasant evening at the Mountfield Parish Assembly on 18th April.  It was particularly nice to catch up with old friends and meet some new ones.
One of the highlights was a presentation to Dave Wadeson, known with much affection as “Dave the Post,” after very many years of service above and beyond the call of duty, we are certainly going to miss him and wish him a long and happy retirement.

Presentation to Dave
Presentation to Dave

Lindsey Jeffries – Executive Head – at Mountfield Heath School – and told us all about the incredible work they are doing at the school and offered to host the Parish Assembly in 2024.
The Battle Ramblers were there, have a look at their programme of walks and Health Walks (on the reports link).  The work they do to keep our precious footpaths open and accessible is very much appreciated.
Everyone enjoyed a glass of wine or a soft drink (they ate all the crisps)  and enjoyed a good chat.
The reports from organisations and clubs are on the link below.

Reports from Mountfield Parish Assembly 2023

2 new planning applications for Mountfield

RR/2023/131/P Land to the north of Archer Wood Cottage (A2100)
Change of use from agricultural land to land for exercising dogs (part retrospective).
Click on this link to see full details on the RDC planning website

RR/2023/792/P Park Pale Meadow, Mountfield Lane
Erection of new stable building to replace existing individual buildings.
Click on this link to see full details on the RDC planning website

New Members for Mountfield Parish Council

As you probably know, this council term is coming to an end and a “New Parish Council” will come into place after the local elections – 04.05.23.
As is usual at this time, we have vacancies for 4 Members – if you are interested in becoming a Mountfield Parish Councillor, or would just like to discuss it with an existing Member or myself, please contact me on – – or phone me on 01424 838414.
Irene – Parish Clerk


Dave Wadeson – “Dave the Post”

As many of you probably know, Dave Wadeson – known to all at Mountfield as Dave the Post – is retiring after many year of dedicated service.
He certainly went above and beyond the call of duty and his efforts are gratefully appreciated.  We will miss him.
We have arranged for a presentation to him at the Mountfield Parish Assembly on 18th April 2023, in the Village Hall at 7.30pm.
We hope you will join us to chat with Dave and wish him a long and happy retirement.
Irene – Parish Clerk

Notice of Uncontested Parish Election and Statement of Persons Nominated for District Councillors

Please click on the link below to see the Notice of Uncontested Election for Parish Councillors and the Statement of Persons Nominated for District Councillors.
Notice of Uncontested Election for Parish Councillors and Statement of Persons Nominated for District Councillors
Further information for all Rother Parishes and Wards can be found on the link below.