SE Water are asking customers to use only essential water for the next few days.
Please click on the link below to see full details.
Please use only essential water for the next few days
A website for all those who live in Mountfield
SE Water are asking customers to use only essential water for the next few days.
Please click on the link below to see full details.
Please use only essential water for the next few days
Click on the link below to see details of the hosepipe ban from SE Water, covering Kent and Sussex.
TO BE HELD ON 21st JUNE 2023
15th June 2023
Parish Council Members are summoned to a Planning Meeting of Mountfield Parish Council, to be held on 13th June 2023, at 7.30pm in Mountfield Village Hall
Members of the press and public are welcome and encouraged to attend
Irene Marchant – Parish Clerk/RFO
St. Giles, Woods Corner, Dallington, East Sussex TN21 9LA
01414 838414/07711 224150 – [email protected]
To receive any disclosures by Members of personal interests in matters on the agenda, the nature of any such interest and whether the Member regards the interest as a disclosable pecuniary interest under the terms of the Code of Conduct.
Public Question Time – to receive any questions or concerns from members of the public on matters on this agenda.
5.1 Planning application for consideration
Erection of a chalet type style dwelling served by altered vehicular access.
Click on this link to see full details on the RDC planning website
5.2 Planning application comments made under delegated authority
Change of use from agricultural land to land for exercising dogs (part retrospective).
Erection of new stable building to replace existing individual buildings.
5.3 Any other planning matters for discussion.
6.1 No Mountfield items on RDC’s latest enforcement list.
6.1 Any other enforcement matters for discussion.
Unfortunately we have had to cancel the MPC planning meeting due to be held this evening.
To act legally and come to a decision on MPC’s response to a planning application, there must be at least 3 Councillors who do not have to recuse themselves, that is not having to declare an interest in the application.
We have Members on holiday who were expected back, but are experiencing delays for various reasons.
A new date will be announced very shortly.
Irene – Parish Clerk
The Mountfield Village Hall Committee will be hold their AGM on Monday 19th June 2023, at 7.30pm.
All are welcome and we would love to see you. You can find out what is going on at your Hall and let us know your ideas to get more people using it. Also, whether you would like to help as a volunteer or just offer moral support.
TO BE HELD ON 13th JUNE 2023
7th June 2023
Parish Council Members are summoned to a Planning Meeting of Mountfield Parish Council, to be held on 13th June 2023, at 7.30pm in Mountfield Village Hall
Members of the press and public are welcome and encouraged to attend
Irene Marchant – Parish Clerk/RFO
St. Giles, Woods Corner, Dallington, East Sussex TN21 9LA
01414 838414/07711 224150 – [email protected]
To receive any disclosures by Members of personal interests in matters on the agenda, the nature of any such interest and whether the Member regards the interest as a disclosable pecuniary interest under the terms of the Code of Conduct.
Public Question Time – to receive any questions or concerns from members of the public on matters on this agenda.
5.1 Planning application for consideration
Erection of a chalet type style dwelling served by altered vehicular access.
Click on this link to see full details on the RDC planning website
5.2 Planning application comments made under delegated authority
Change of use from agricultural land to land for exercising dogs (part retrospective).
Erection of new stable building to replace existing individual buildings.
5.3 Any other planning matters for discussion.
6.1 No Mountfield items on RDC’s latest enforcement list.
6.1 Any other enforcement matters for discussion.
Apologies for the flurry of posts on this subject, I have had an issue with browsers and .pdf files this morning. Hopefully things are now solved.
Please click on the link below to see the Notice of Public Rights for the Annual Governance and Accountability Return 2022-23 (AGAR)
Notice of Public Rights 2022-23 (AGAR)
Please click on the link below to see the Notice of Public Rights for the AGAR 2022-23.
The other documents for the AGAR will be available later today, click on Parish Council >Finance 2022-23
Mountfield Parish Council are delighted to announce that three new Members were co-opted to the Council at the First Council Meeting last evening.
They are Richard Farhall, John Giles and Rob Purdie. Their contact details will be on the “Who We Are” page when their official Mountfield email addresses are available.
Irene – Parish Clerk
RR/2023/792/P Park Pale Meadow, Mountfield Lane
Erection of new stable building to replace existing individual buildings.
Click on this link to see full details on the RDC planning website
Deadline for comments is 31.05.23