British Gypsum tree felling

Many of you have contacted me and MPC Members worried about the British Gypsum tree felling.  It is all in order and done to preserve the woodlands.  Our Tree Warden, Nick Betts, has emailed me giving details – see below:

I walked past this afternoon, been away for a while so missed all the action, BG have thinned the plantation, it’s a recognized forestry management operation. Basically, making space for the better trees to reach maturity whilst removing the weaker trees as a first crop, it looks drastic at first but releases a lot of light to the forest floor which should result in an increase in ground flora for a number of years before the remaining trees mature to final crop. They have also removed a lot of ash suffering from ash dieback.

Kind regards 


RIP John Snuggs

We are very sad to announce that John Snuggs died yesterday.  John joined the Parish Council in 2015 and resigned in 2021.  John was well known for his walks around village, almost daily, checking up on things that needed reporting to Highways and RDC.
MPC will be making a donation to a charity of his family’s choice in memory of John and his contribution to Mountfield
Our sincere condolences to Susan and the family.

Potential waste collection disruption

Rother District Council have sent this notice to all residents signed up for their email alerts.

Dear Resident
In common with many other local authority areas across the UK, waste and recycling collections and street cleansing services in Rother are being affected by high levels of staff absence.
As the local Covid infection rate increases, Track and Trace instructions to isolate, combined with a general shortage of HGV drivers, means that collection services could soon be suspended for a period until the situation improves.
Several actions are being taken to maintain services, including early morning and late evening work, so residents are being asked to regularly check their local council website, register for information bulletins and look out for communications in local media regarding their local services.
We are asking residents to refrain from using the local bring sites as reduced staffing levels means they will not be emptied frequently; please use your household recycling collection or take recycling to the Heathfield, Pebsham or Mountfield Waste Recycling Sites.

Click on this link to sign up for email alerts from Rother District Council


Cleaning up after your dog 2!

Due to the recent complaints about residents/visitors to Mountfield not collecting their dog’s waste and disposing of it themselves, Mountfield Parish Council are looking at ways to solve this issue and would like to involve the Mountfield Community and ask for their suggestions.  We are looking at the following:

  • Signage – appropriate signage could be placed around the Village, asking people to “do the right thing.”
  • Dog waste bins – the cheapest bin costs around £129.00, the cost for collection and disposal (Rother District Council) is considerable.  I cannot find out the RDC costs at the moment, but have looked at another parish council and their costs are £523.00 + VAT per bin a year!
  • Understandably, residents would not want a dog waste bin placed outside their homes.  So the question would be their location, Mountfield is a large rural parish with dog walkers everywhere.

There is a local by-law with a fixed penalty of £100.00.

We would be very grateful if you would let us have your comments and ideas on how to deal with this environmental issue, which causes so much upset and ask that you contact Irene, the Clerk with your ideas on –

We look forward to hearing from you and will look carefully at your ideas.

A Message from Martha – please help her out if you can

Hi, my name is Martha.

I am making contact with you because I am looking for willing people to offer their support.

I am currently on an NCS (National Citizen Service) programme with a group of 16–17-year-olds who create a social action project all about giving back and making a positive impact on our community.

As a group of young people we were inspired by the charity Warming Up The Homeless which is a lovely charity that help people who have nowhere to live. We chose this subject and charity because we felt there is a lot of homelessness around Eastbourne and Hastings, therefore we would like to help them in a small way at their time of need.

We are hoping to work with this charity for our social action project in which we are planning to do a sponsored walk along Eastbourne seafront from Sovereign Harbour to Holywell and back. – This is approximately 9 miles give or take. We also are hoping to set up a GoFundMe page with the charity where the money raised will go directly to them.

Not only this but as a group we are going to create care packages for the homeless living in Eastbourne. These would include items like toiletries, everyday essentials, and long-life food. For this we would be very appreciative of any donations of items such as toothbrush, toothpaste, sanitary products, mini torch, socks, underwear, vitamins, protein bars, biscuits, etc.

Unfortunately, we only have until Friday 23rd of July to complete our project which is a very short time frame given the amount we hope to achieve.

If you’re able to help in anyway shape or form I’d really appreciate hearing from you.

Thank you for taking the time to read this.

Contact details:


High Weald Walking Festival

The High Weald AONB Partnership are running their Walking Festival from 11th-19th September this year.
They are running a booking system using Eventbrite – but all walks are fee.
Below are a few highlights to whet your appetite:

  • High Weald Dark Skies Walk – a leisurely walk to enjoy the stars across the High Weald with a Dark Skies story.
  • WealdWay 40th Anniversary Walk – a circular walk using the WealdWay and Tunbridge Well Circular, visiting the village of Spelhurst for lunch.
  • Full Steam ahead at Horsted Keynes – recapture the golden age of steam on this walk beside the Bluebell Railway and through fields and Woods.

Click on this link to see the full programme and more information

Mountfield Village Hall – Annual Meeting 20.07.21 at 7pm

This is the annual forum for trustees (the committee members), helpers, local people and potential hirers to discuss how best the hall can cater for the needs of the local community.
There are exciting plans in hand for upgrading the large screen AV system, the arrival of 145Mbps high-speed broadband and an automated online booking system.
Coming along doesn’t mean you get roped into anything – unless you want to!  Ideas and support are just as important to the running of this community resource.
And remember, the hall is open for business and bookings are FREE for events prior to 31st March 2022.
Please come along and share the adventure.
Any enquiries to Steve Smith (Chairman)
07895 463231

Mountfield Village Hall – Annual Meeting 20.07.21 at 7pm

This is the annual forum for trustees (the committee members), helpers, local people and potential hirers’ to discuss how best the hall can cater for the needs of the local community.
There are exciting plans in hand for upgrading the large screen AV system, the arrival of 145Mbps high-speed broadband and an automated online booking system.
And remember, the hall is open for business and bookings are FREE for events prior to 31st March 2022.
Please come along and share the adventure.
Any enquiries to Steve Smith (Chairman)
07895 463231

Farming in Protected Landscapes Programme

This opens in July 2021 and through the programme farmers and land managers can be supported to carry out projects that:

  • support nature recovery
  • mitigate the impacts of climate change
  • provide opportunities for people to discover, enjoy and understand the landscape and cultural heritage
  • support nature-friendly, sustainable farm businesses

This is a programme of funding for one-off projects covering these areas of work, not an agri-environment scheme.

The programme is part of Defra’s Agricultural Transition Plan.  It has been developed by Defra with the support of the AONB and National Park staff from across the country.

Click here to see full details on the Defra website