All Saints Church, Mountfield – Church Services September-October 2024

Services – September and October 2024

Sunday 01.09.24

Mountfield 11.00am

Eucharist Fr Jeremy Sykes
Sunday 08.09.24

Brightling 09.00am

Eucharist Rev Elly McKay-Smith
Sunday 15.09.24

Mountfield 11.00am

Eucharist Rev Elly McKay-Smith
Sunday 22.09.24

Netherfield 09.00am

Eucharist Rev Kevin Mepham
Sunday 29.09.24 No Service
Sunday 06.10.24

Mountfield 11.00am

Harvest Festival Rev Elly McKay-Smith
Sunday 13.10.24

Brightling 09.00am

Eucharist Rev Elly McKay-Smith
Sunday 20.10.24

Mountfield 11.00am

Eucharist Rev Elly McKay-Smith
Sunday 27.10.24

Netherfield 09.00am

Eucharist Fr Jeremy Sykes
Please note that the times of the services have changed from the historical time of 10.00am

All Saints, Mountfield Harvest Festival

Donations of food, particularly tinned, dried and preserves, can be taken to the Church during the day (10am-5pm) from Monday 30.09.24.

Please leave them on the back pews.

All gifts will be taken to the Battle Food Bank after the service

Agenda for MPC meeting on 10.09.24

Parish Council Members are summoned to a meeting of Mountfield Parish Council, to be held on 10th September 2024, at 7.30pm in Mountfield Village Hall.

Members of the press and public are welcome and encouraged to attend.

Irene Marchant (Parish Clerk/RFO)

St. Giles, Woods Corner, Dallington, East Sussex TN21 9LA

01424 838414/07711224150

[email protected]

5th September 2024


1. Disclosure of interests

To receive any disclosures by Members of personal interests in matters on this agenda, the nature of any such interest and whether the Member regards the interest as a disclosable pecuniary interest under the terms of the Code of Conduct.

2. Dispensations

3. Apologies for absence

4. Accuracy of the minutes of the previous meeting(s)

5. Open Forum

  • County Council report (ESCC) – Councillor K. Field
  • District Council report (RDC) – Councillor E. Kirby-Green
  • Public Question Time – to receive any questions/concerns from members of the public on matters on this agenda.

6. RR/2024/2467/O – land south of Park Pale House

To discuss the current situation and the site meeting on 11.09.24 with Southern Water.

7. Highways England/John’s Cross speed limit

For Councillor Purdie to brief the Members on latest situation (COUNCILLOR PURDIE)

8. Mountfield Village Hall Rest Centre/Resilience Plan

For Councillor Whines to brief the Members on actions taken/needed (COUNCILLOR WHINES)

9. ESCC Wildlife/Meadow verge applications 2025

For Members to consider any wildlife verges they wish included in this.

10. Wastebins and collection

For Members to consider installing and arranging collection of refuse for the following requested wastebins – at the layby in New Cut (resident request), the entrance to the KGF (MCC request) and Mountfield Heath School (litter from bus stop opposite the Tack Room).

11. Brightling Parish Council – Community Land Trust (CLT)

For Members to consider the request for liaison with BPC and neighbouring parishes in establishing a CLT for affordable housing.

12. Grants/Donations

For Members to consider the donation request for the sum of £1,000 from the Mountfield Village Hall Committee for the annual fireworks event and the children’s Christmas party.

13. Playground

For Members to consider the inspection report from PlaySafety and actions to be taken.

14. MPC Asset Register

  • For Members to consider items/valuations on the MPC asset register (some large, old items not included).
  • To discuss a revaluation of the KGF pavilion.

15. Matters outstanding

  • Defibrillator for Eatenden Lane – there is still an issue with precise location (BG land) and installation of post and backboard.
  • Telephone box (CHAIR)
  • Change of MPC domain and email suffixes (CLERK)

16. Planning

16.1 No planning applications for consideration.

16.2 Any other planning matters for discussion.

17. Enforcement

17.1 No Mountfield items on RDC’s most recent enforcement list.

17.2 Any other enforcement matters for discussion.

18. Highways/Rights of Way

  • Most of the pavement from New Cut to the John’s Cross has been cleared by the landowner. There is approximately 200 metres left uncleared and unusable, the Clerk is to contact ESCC Highways/landowner(?) so action can be taken.
  • Any other highways/RoW matters for discussion.

19. Finance

19.1 Bank balances at 31.08.24

  • MPC deposit account – £ 23,051.11
  • MPC current account – £6,628.12
  • KGF current account – £4,941.77

19.2 To approve the following payments:

  • Clerk, salary/home office (Aug/Sep 2024) – £1,080.20
  • * Mastercard fee – £3.00
  • * Parish Online subscription 2024-24 – £63.00

* already paid

20. Dates of next meetings

  • 08.10.24 – full council meeting (provisional)
  • 12.11.24 – full council meeting

Agenda for KGF meeting 10.09.24, starts 6.45pm




Trustee Members are invited to a meeting of the King George’s Field Trust, to be held on 10th September 2024 at 6.45pm in Mountfield Village Hall

5th September 2024

Irene Marchant (Secretary/Treasurer)

St. Giles, Woods Corner, Dallington, East Sussex TN21 9LA

01424 838424/07711224150

[email protected]

1. Apologies for absence

2. Minutes of the previous meeting

3. Maintenance work carried out/to be carried out at the KGF

To discuss the quotations obtained by Mr. Tidmarsh (MCC).

Please note that the proposed waste bin and collection will be discussed at the MPC meeting to follow at 7.30pm.

4. Review of Jubilee Cricket Match

To review the Jubilee Cricket Match held on 01.09.24

5. Date of next meeting

11.03.25 – to start at 7.00pm

Annual Mountfield Cricket Match 01.09.24

The annual Mountfield Village v Cricket club game for 2024 will take place on Sunday 1st September at the Cricket Ground, however this year not only will it be an opportunity to watch the local cricketing talent, but we will also be celebrating the life of one of Mountfield Cricket Clubs founding fathers, Tubby Morris who sadly passed away in October 2023.

Tubby was a legend at Mountfield CC and enjoyed a sterling career as a player, captain of the team, Chairman and Groundsman to note in addition to helping build the original Pavilion in 1961 and a frame for marking out the crease which is still in use to this very day.  It was a pleasure to welcome Tubby to last year’s Jubilee game where he was able to watch the keenly contested game.

Tubby is fondly remembered by all of his family and friends at the Mountfield CC, and as part of the day his family are planning to dedicate a bench in his memory at the cricket ground

We look forward to seeing you all at the game which will have a 1.30pm start, and if anyone would like to play then please contact me on [email protected]

A 21 further update from Highways England

From: Area4Communications <[email protected]>
Sent: 20 August 2024 09:02
To: Area4Communications <[email protected]>
Subject: A21 Safety Package – Works Update

Dear all,

Please see below updated information on our continued works on the A21.

The emergency utilities work on the diversion route have now been completed, our overnight closures will start again from Monday 19 August to Friday 31 August 2024. There will be no overnight closures on Friday 23 and Monday 26 August.

The A21 will be closed overnight in both directions from Northbridge Street roundabout to John’s Cross roundabout between 8pm to 6am Monday to Friday only.

Closures can change at short notice.  Make sure you check the latest information on our daily closures page.


During the closures a diversion will be in place via the A268 and A28.

Further A21 closures in both directions

Johns Cross roundabout to the B2089

  • Wednesday 4 September for two nights (8pm to 6am)

B2089 to Marley’s Lane

  • Friday 6 September for one night (8pm to 6am)
  • Monday 9 September for two nights (8pm to 6am)

Marley’s Lane to Sedlescombe Golf Course

  • Tuesday 10 September for three nights (8pm to 6am)

Sedlescombe Golf Course to Baldslow

  • Friday 13 September for one night (8pm to 6am)
  • Monday 16 September for five nights (8pm to 6am)
  • Monday 23 September for five nights (8pm to 6am)


Southbound traffic will be diverted via, A2100, A2690, Mount View Street, Westwood Road, Hastings Road, A259 to rejoin the A21.

Northbound traffic will be diverted via A28, A268 to join the A21 at Flimwell.

Sarah Ashworth

Regional Customer Service Programme Manager

Operations South East

National Highways | 5 Eclipse Park | Sittingbourne Road | Maidstone | Kent | ME14 3EN

Mobile: 07526 969077


Highways England, A21 Safety Package update 21.08.24

From: Area4Communications <[email protected]>
Sent: 20 August 2024 09:02
To: Area4Communications <[email protected]>
Subject: A21 Safety Package – Works Update

Dear all,

Please see below updated information on our continued works on the A21.

The emergency utilities work on the diversion route have now been completed, our overnight closures will start again from Monday 19 August to Friday 31 August 2024. There will be no overnight closures on Friday 23 and Monday 26 August.

The A21 will be closed overnight in both directions from Northbridge Street roundabout to John’s Cross roundabout between 8pm to 6am Monday to Friday only.

Closures can change at short notice.  Make sure you check the latest information on our daily closures page.


During the closures a diversion will be in place via the A268 and A28.

Further A21 closures in both directions

Johns Cross roundabout to the B2089

  • Wednesday 4 September for two nights (8pm to 6am)

B2089 to Marley’s Lane

  • Friday 6 September for one night (8pm to 6am)
  • Monday 9 September for two nights (8pm to 6am)

Marley’s Lane to Sedlescombe Golf Course

  • Tuesday 10 September for three nights (8pm to 6am)

Sedlescombe Golf Course to Baldslow

  • Friday 13 September for one night (8pm to 6am)
  • Monday 16 September for five nights (8pm to 6am)
  • Monday 23 September for five nights (8pm to 6am)


Southbound traffic will be diverted via, A2100, A2690, Mount View Street, Westwood Road, Hastings Road, A259 to rejoin the A21.

Northbound traffic will be diverted via A28, A268 to join the A21 at Flimwell.

Sarah Ashworth

Regional Customer Service Programme Manager

Operations South East

National Highways | 5 Eclipse Park | Sittingbourne Road | Maidstone | Kent | ME14 3EN

Mobile: 07526 969077


Mountfield Village Cricket Match 01.09.24

The annual Mountfield Village v Cricket club game for 2024 will take place on Sunday 1st September at the Cricket Ground, however this year not only will it be an opportunity to watch the local cricketing talent, but we will also be celebrating the life of one of Mountfield Cricket Clubs founding fathers, Tubby Morris who sadly passed away in October 2023.

Tubby was a legend at Mountfield CC and enjoyed a sterling career as a player, captain of the team, Chairman and Groundsman to note in addition to helping build the original Pavilion in 1961 and a frame for marking out the crease which is still in use to this very day.  It was a pleasure to welcome Tubby to last year’s Jubilee game where he was able to watch the keenly contested game.

Tubby is fondly remembered by all of his family and friends at the Mountfield CC, and as part of the day his family are planning to dedicate a bench in his memory at the cricket ground

We look forward to seeing you all at the game which will have a 1.30pm start, and if anyone would like to play then please contact me on [email protected]

High Weald Walking Festival 7-15th September

Dear High Weald parish clerk,

Please see below some information about the forthcoming FREE High Weald Walking Festival, which is taking place from 7-15 September across the entire High Weald National Landscape. We’d be very grateful if you could share this with your residents through your various networks so we can get the word out to as many people as possible.

Many thanks in advance,

Emma White

Communications Officer

High Weald National Landscape Team


Join us from 7-15 September for a celebration of one of England’s finest landscapes

The packed programme for the High Weald Walking Festival 2024 is now live, with more than 40 FREE guided walks across Kent and Sussex showcasing the best of this beautiful and historic landscape.

This year the Festival will run from Saturday 7 to Sunday 15 September. It’s a great opportunity to walk with friends (or meet new ones!), discover places to explore or simply build your confidence at walking in the countryside. For most of the walks you can just turn up on the day and join the fun, but some will require booking in advance to secure your spot.


Explore a breathtaking National Landscape

Step back in time and journey through ancient woodlands, winding lanes, country parks and great estates, as we celebrate the outstanding natural beauty of the High Weald National Landscape. From nature spotting to local history, with routes from 1 – 13 miles, there’s something for all ages and abilities.

This year we’re delighted to be working with some wonderful partners including:

  • Gravetye Estate (William Robinson Gravetye Charity)
  • Ashdown Forest Conservators
  • RSPB – Broadwater Warren
  • Forestry Commission – Bedgebury Pinetum
  • Worth Abbey Estate
  • Kent High Weald Partnership
  • Hop Pickers’ Line Heritage Group
  • Wealden District Council
  • Battle Health Walks
  • Buchan Country Park
  • Tenterden Footpaths Group and Kent & East Sussex Railway
  • Tenterden & District Local History Society

…Plus several local Ramblers groups, who co-host the Festival with the High Weald National Landscape Partnership.

What if I can’t make any of the dates?
Don’t worry! We also offer a range of self-guided, downloadable walks which are free to download from the Festival website during the month of September. Whether you prefer to walk solo or have other commitments during the Festival week, we’ve got you covered.

See you next month!

About the High Weald Walking Festival

High Weald Walking Festival offers FREE guided and self-guided walks for all, every September. Whether you’re a newbie, looking to graduate from health walks or a seasoned hiker, there’s a walk for you!

​Now in its 7th year, the event is a collaboration between several local branches of the Ramblers and the High Weald National Landscape Partnership.

The Festival aims to help walkers of all abilities explore and learn about the historic and beautiful High Weald landscape. Participants are led by experienced and knowledgeable guides from a range of organisations with a passion for the countryside.

Learn more at

Emma White

Communications Officer

A green anvil logo with black text underneath reading 'High Weald National Landscape"High Weald National Landscape Partnership
Conserving and enhancing an area of outstanding natural beauty

For climate| For nature | For people | For place

Tel: 01424 723017

Woodland Enterprise Centre, Hastings Road, Flimwell, East Sussex, TN5 7PR | Facebook Instagram | Join our mailing list