New planning application for Mountfield

RR/2024/1779/P – Valentine Ridge, London Road (A2100), Mountfield
Change of use of the land for the stationing of four static caravans for Gypsy and Traveller occupation and four touring caravans, with associated amenity buildings and hard and soft landscaping.
Deadline for comments – 03.12.24
Mountfield PC have received an extension of time to comment on this application and it will be on the agenda at the MPC meeting on 10.12.24.
Click on this link to see full details on the RDC planning website

Extended Deadline for Dark Skies Children’s Writing Competition

In view of the interest generated by the recent High Weald Wild about Dark Skies Festival (28 Oct-10 Nov), the editorial board of The Messenger Magazine have decided to extend the deadline for our  Children’s Creative Writing competition (previously announced in the September issue of the Messenger) to 15th November, 2024

The Festival aims to celebrate the High Weald’s dark skies and raise awareness about the negative impacts of light pollution – on wildlife, climate change and our own wellbeing – and how we can help reduce it.

Our writing competition  is designed to inspire and celebrate children’s responses to this topic. It is open to all children aged 5-11 living or attending school in the area served by the Messenger. We  invite entries of poems, or short stories or articles (maximum 250 words) on any aspect of the theme of Dark Skies. Here are some questions to get them thinking:

    • What’s special about dark skies and why do they matter?
    • What are your own experiences of the dark?
    • What  can you see in the night sky?
    • What do you like about the moon and stars?
    • What are the stories behind constellation names?
    • Why is darkness important to wildlife?
    • What would happen to animals, birds and insects if it stayed light all the time?

The new deadline for entries is  15th November, 2024 and results will be announced in the new year. Prizes will be awarded in the two age categories:
– Young 5-7 years
– Junior 8-11 years.

The winners in each age category will each receive a £20 book token from Rother Books and their entries will be published in The Messenger. Runners up from each of the four villages will receive a £10 token.  All entrants will receive a special Dark Skies bookmark.  Your school may be taking part in the competition but individual entries are also very welcome.

Competition Rules

  • Subject: “Dark Skies”
  • Word count: Up to 250 words (excluding title)
  • Judging criteria: Originality, engagement with theme, language (entries will not be judged on spelling and grammar)
  • Only one entry per child
  • Entries must be the original work of the child and should be submitted by a responsible adult (parent/guardian or teacher with parental consent).
  • By submitting, the responsible adult grants permission for winning entries to be published in The Messenger. Copyright remains with the author
  • Child’s name & age on 15th November 2024 should be included with their entry, along with address and contact details (which will not be published) for notification of results.
  • Entries may be handwritten or typed and submitted by email to [email protected] or by post to
    The Messenger Children’s Writing Competition,
    Hunters Farm, Kent Lane, Brightling TN32 5HU
  • Entries must arrive by midnight  15th November 2024; late entries cannot be considered
  • The judges’ decisions are final

Repair Cafe, Robertsbridge Village Hall 09.11.24

Repair Café this Saturday 9 November – Robertsbridge Village Hall

By Chris Wing on 7th November 2024

The Repair Cafe will be open again this Saturday from 9am until midday – last items accepted 11.45am but please arrive early to allow volunteers enough time to fix your item.

We will have all our usual volunteers this month – sewing, electrical, sharpening, woodworking, but our clock man has a backlog so may not be able to help you this month, and we don’t have anyone to look at bikes.

We are trialling an upcycling workshop for teenagers where they can learn a few sewing techniques to transform an old t-shirt. They will also be shown around the Repair Café so that they can get an idea of what we do, and what can be repaired rather than just thrown away.

We are still collecting specs for Peep and tools for Tools With a Mission. For more information about what we can collect pop into the Repair Cafe to pick up a leaflet or click on this link to our Facebook page which will give you all the details:


This is our last Repair Café of 2024, but the dates for 2025 are:


We hope to see you this Saturday. If you haven’t been before, feel free to just drop in to see what we do.

Agenda for Mountfield Parish Council meeting on 12.11.24

Parish Council Members are summoned to a meeting of Mountfield Parish Council, to be held on 12th November 2024, at 7.30pm in Mountfield Village Hall.

Members of the press and public are welcome and encouraged to attend.

Irene Marchant (Parish Clerk/RFO)

St. Giles, Woods Corner, Dallington, East Sussex TN21 9LA

01424 838414 – [email protected]

6th November 2024


1. Disclosure of interests

To receive any disclosures by Members of personal interests in matters on this agenda, the nature of any such interest and whether the Members regards the interest as a disclosable pecuniary interest under the terms of the Code of Conduct.

2. Dispensations

3. Apologies for absence

4. Accuracy of the minutes of the previous meetings

5. Open Forum

5.1 County Council report (ESCC) – Councillor K. Field

5.2 District Council report (RDC) – Councillor E. Kirby- Green

5.3 Public Question Time – to receive any questions/concerns from members of the public on matters on this agenda.

6. RR/2024/2467/O – SW Solar Array

Councillor O’Sullivan to brief on the current situation and for Members to discuss further actions. (COUNCILLOR O’SULLIVAN)

7. Highways England/John’s Cross speed limits

Councillor Purdie to brief on the current situation and for Members to discuss any further actions. (COUNCILLOR PURDIE)

8. Mountfield Village Hall Rest Centre/Resilience Plan

Councillor Whines to brief on the current situation and for Members to discuss further actions.


9. Playground

  • For Members to consider a new piece of play equipment to replace the rocking horse.
  • To consider appointing a playground maintenance contractor to carry out the matters highlighted by PlaySafety.

10. Consultation – Enabling remote attendance and proxy voting at local authority meetings

For Members to discuss responses to this consultation.

11. Matters Outstanding

  • Defibrillators – the Clerk to inform on the current situation. (CLERK)
  • Telephone Box – in progress. (CHAIR)
  • Change of MPC domain name and email suffixes, the Clerk to inform on the current situation. (CLERK)

12. Planning

12.1 Planning application for consideration:

  • RR/2024/1848/P – 1 Woodsdale Cottages, London Road

Demolition of existing structures and erection of outbuilding to be used as overspill living accommodation for family.

12.2 Any other planning matters for discussion.

13. Enforcement

13.1 No Mountfield items on RDC’s most recent enforcement list.

13.2 Any other enforcement matters for discussion.

14. Highways/Rights of Way

14.1 Contracts Management Group, Urban grass cutting 2025, for Members to consider their response.

14.2 The Clerk to contact the landowner and ESCC Highways regarding the overgrown verges at John’s Cross.

14.3 Any other Highways/RoW matters for discussion.

15. Finance

15.1 Bank balances at 31.10.24

  • MPC deposit account – £23,200.19
  • MPC current account – £4,332.58
  • KGF current account – £4,848.37

15.2 To approve the following payment:

  • Clerk, salary/HO (Oct/Nov 2024) – £1,080.20
  • Ticehurst PC pledged amount – £1,500.00

15.3 To approve the second quarter accounts at 30.09.24, as presented by the Clerk

16. Dates of next meetings

  • 10.12.24 – Full Council Meeting (provisional)
  • 21.01.25 – Full Council Meeting

Messenger Magazine Annual Get-together This Thursday 7th November

Messenger Cover
Messenger Cover

The Messenger Magazine Annual Readers’ get-together will start at 7:00 pm on Thursday (7 November 2024) in Brightling Village Hall

ALL readers of the Messenger Magazine are warmly invited.

There will be FREE DRINKS (alcoholic and soft) and nibbles. This is partly a social occasion – an opportunity to have a relaxing chat with neighbours and others in Brightling, Dallington, Mountfield, and Netherfield. It is also our AGM (Annual General Meeting) so there will be some brief formalities (very brief, we promise!) including electing the committee that runs the magazine between parties (sorry, AGMs).

The committee hopes that as many people as possible will come. It’s an opportunity to show your support for the magazine (if you like it) or tell us what’s wrong (if you don’t like it!) – or just a relaxing evening with a glass of wine or something.

See you on Thursday.