Vacancy for a Mountfield Parish Councillor

Apologies – the Notice of Vacancy sent out yesterday is not necessary, will you please bin.
This Notice is only required when there is a full cohort of Members (7 in Mountfield’s case) and a Member resigns or is not able to continue.
Will you also please note that Lorna Ford is the Returning Officer for Rother District Council.
Mountfield Parish Council will go ahead and co-opt a new Member in the usual way, a post will be going out shortly.
Irene – Parish Clerk

Save the Date!!!

The Annual Mountfield Jubilee Cricket Match will be on 20th August 2023, starting at 1.00pm.
Come along and join us, it will be a lot of fun – wine, beer and soft drinks for all.
The match will be 20/30 overs between the Mountfield Community and the Mountfield Cricket Club.
Children are very welcome and they will have the chance to play short-cricket.
Looking forward to seeing you there.
Irene – Parish Clerk

Strike action next week on Southeastern Railway

Strike action is due to take place on Southeastern on the following days:
* Wednesday 31.05.23
* Friday 02.06.23
* Saturday 03.06.23
In additional, ASLEF will be implementing an overtime bank on 01.06.23.
No services on Wednesday 31.05.23 and Saturday 03.06.23.
Services will not be running on the above dates, for alternative transport options visit Traveline information

* There will be a limited service on Friday 02.06.23 and some routes will be closed – please check before you travel.
* If you are travelling, expect some disruption and plan ahead.
* Trains that are running will be busier and are likely to start later and finish earlier.
* You may be unable to board trains at stations where a limited service is running, especially on the first few trains in the morning.  Queuing systems are in place in some stations to ensure that trains have enough room onboard for customers to join along the route – this is continually under review.
* Only 58 out of 180 stations will be open. No replacement buses will serve stations that are closed. For alternative transport options visit Traveline Information

Online timetables for Friday 02.06.23 will be updated in journey planners this weekend.

Mountfield Parish Assembly 2023

We had a very pleasant evening at the Mountfield Parish Assembly on 18th April.  It was particularly nice to catch up with old friends and meet some new ones.
One of the highlights was a presentation to Dave Wadeson, known with much affection as “Dave the Post,” after very many years of service above and beyond the call of duty, we are certainly going to miss him and wish him a long and happy retirement.

Presentation to Dave
Presentation to Dave

Lindsey Jeffries – Executive Head – at Mountfield Heath School – and told us all about the incredible work they are doing at the school and offered to host the Parish Assembly in 2024.
The Battle Ramblers were there, have a look at their programme of walks and Health Walks (on the reports link).  The work they do to keep our precious footpaths open and accessible is very much appreciated.
Everyone enjoyed a glass of wine or a soft drink (they ate all the crisps)  and enjoyed a good chat.
The reports from organisations and clubs are on the link below.

Reports from Mountfield Parish Assembly 2023