Click on the link below to see the agenda for the Mountfield Parish Council planning meeting on 12.10.21. To start at 7.30pm in Mountfield Village Hall.
Category: Parish Council
Agenda for MPC Meeting on 14.09.21
Click on the link below to see the agenda for the Mountfield Parish Council Meeting on 14.09.21, to start at 7.30pm in Mountfield Village Hall.
Click on this link to see the agenda for the Mountfield Parish Council Meeting on 14.09.21
Welcome back Peter!
Mountfield Parish Council are pleased to announce that Peter Miles was co-opted as a Mountfield Parish Councillor at the meeting on 13.07.21.
Peter’s experience and enthusiasm will be a great asset.
Agenda for the MPC meeting on 13.07.21
Click on the link below to see the agenda for the Mountfield Parish Council Meeting on 13.07.21, to start at 7.30pm in Mountfield Village Hall.
Vacancy for a Mountfield Parish Councillor
As you all probably know, John Snuggs has resigned from MPC and it is now legal for us to advertise for another councillor.
The application form is attached below and the deadline for responses is 4pm on Wednesday 7th July 2021 (preferably by email to me – [email protected] – or by post to my address, this on on the application form.
If you would like any further information, please do not hesitate to contact me, either by phone – 01424 838414 or on my email above.
We hope to co-opt our new councillor at our meeting on Tuesday 13th July.
MPC Finance 2020-21
These are the legally required documents for the publication of the Annual Governance and Accountability Return (AGAR) for an exempt authority 2020-21 and the documents required under the Transparency Code for Smaller Authorities.
Please contact the Clerk/RFO on – [email protected] – if you have any queries.
Public Rights Notice 2020-21
A Summary of Your Rights
Annual Governance and Accountability Return 2020-21
Bank Reconciliation at 31.03.21
Explanation of Variances 2020-21
Items of Expenditure over £100
Details of Public Land and Building Assets 2020-21
Councillor Responsibilities at 25.06.21
Due to the resignation of John Snuggs – we’ll miss him – a casual vacancy has occurred for a parish councillor. Click on the link below to see the legal notification, if an election is not requested, MPC hope to co-opt a new councillor at their July meeting (further details and application forms will be posted after 22.06.21).
Agenda for MPC Planning Meeting on 08.06.21
Click on the link below to see the agenda for the MPC planning meeting on 08.06.21, at 7.30pm in Mountfield Village Hall.
Agenda for MPC planning meeting 08.06.21
Agenda for MPC virtual Planning Meeting on 04.05.21
Click on the link below to see the agenda for the virtual Mountfield Parish Council planning meeting on 04.05.21 at 7.3pm.
If you would like to join this virtual meeting, please email me on – [email protected] – and I will email you the link.
Click here to see the agenda for the MPC virtual planning meeting on 04.05.21
Draft minutes for KGF and MPC virtual meetings on 09.03.21
Please click on the links below to see the draft minutes of the virtual KGF and MPC minutes, held on 09.03.21
Click here to see the draft minutes of the virtual KGF meeting held on 09.03.21
Click here to see the draft minutes of the virtual MPC meeting held on 09.03.21