STOP PRESS! Mountfield Parish Assembly 2020

Due to the current situation with COVID-19 (Corona Virus), Mountfield Heath School cannot host the Mountfield Parish Assembly this year.  We completely understand their reasons – they have vulnerable children there and school closures may be imminent.  Hopefully they can host the Assembly in 2021.
The Mountfield Parish Assembly will now be held on 14.04.20 in Mountfield Village Hall.
I and other Rother Clerks are waiting for information from Rother District Council (due next Monday) on parish council matters affected by the Corona Virus.
This website will become the conduit for local information on the virus, please encourage people to sign up for email alerts/pass the information on if you can.
Irene – Parish Clerk

Apologies – MPC Agenda for 10.03.20

Apologies to one and all – item 7 on the agenda should, of course, read Mountfield PCC not Dallington PCC.  Either yet another senior moment or the rotten cold I’ve had on and off since last November.  A corrected agenda is linked below.
Irene – Parish Clerk
P.S – I’ve just heard that ESCC Highways have installed traffic lights due to the flooding on the A2100!

Agenda for MPC meeting on 10.03.20

Apologies to all – of course it should be Mountfield PCC not Dallington PCC.  The corrected agenda is linked below.
I have also just heard that ESCC Highways have installed traffic lights on the A2100 due to the flooding!

Click on the links below to see the agenda and supporting documents for the Mountfield Parish Council meeting on 10.03.20 – at 7.30pm in Mountfield Village Hall.
MPC Budget Monitor at 29.02.20
MPC Bank Reconciliation at 29.02.20
KGF Bank Reconciliation at 29.02.20

The Mountfield Parish Assembly 2020 (14.04.20)

A change of venue this year!  The Mountfield Heath School has very kindly offered to host the Assembly 2020 and we all look forward to a great evening.
The Mountfield Heath School is at John’s Cross TN32 5JW (with good parking) and their website is at –
So, come along and join us on Tuesday 14th April for the Mountfield Parish Assembly 2020, enjoy a glass of wine and meet the people from our Mountfield organisations, find out what they are doing and meet up with friends and neighbours.
It’s a friendly and informal evening and a great chance to catch up with Mountfield news.
We hope to have a guest speaker – more details later.
This year is the 900th Anniversary of our beautiful church – All Saints – and we hope the Parish Assembly will play a part in this.  It’s going to be a busy and exciting year for Mountfield.
The Assembly will start at 7.30pm, it is not a parish council meeting, but a great chance for us all to get together.
Please come back to me – Irene (Parish Clerk) if you need any more information.
01424 838414 – [email protected]