Mountfield Parish Assembly 2023

We had a very pleasant evening at the Mountfield Parish Assembly on 18th April.  It was particularly nice to catch up with old friends and meet some new ones.
One of the highlights was a presentation to Dave Wadeson, known with much affection as “Dave the Post,” after very many years of service above and beyond the call of duty, we are certainly going to miss him and wish him a long and happy retirement.

Presentation to Dave
Presentation to Dave

Lindsey Jeffries – Executive Head – at Mountfield Heath School – and told us all about the incredible work they are doing at the school and offered to host the Parish Assembly in 2024.
The Battle Ramblers were there, have a look at their programme of walks and Health Walks (on the reports link).  The work they do to keep our precious footpaths open and accessible is very much appreciated.
Everyone enjoyed a glass of wine or a soft drink (they ate all the crisps)  and enjoyed a good chat.
The reports from organisations and clubs are on the link below.

Reports from Mountfield Parish Assembly 2023

2 new planning applications for Mountfield

RR/2023/131/P Land to the north of Archer Wood Cottage (A2100)
Change of use from agricultural land to land for exercising dogs (part retrospective).
Click on this link to see full details on the RDC planning website

RR/2023/792/P Park Pale Meadow, Mountfield Lane
Erection of new stable building to replace existing individual buildings.
Click on this link to see full details on the RDC planning website

New Members for Mountfield Parish Council

As you probably know, this council term is coming to an end and a “New Parish Council” will come into place after the local elections – 04.05.23.
As is usual at this time, we have vacancies for 4 Members – if you are interested in becoming a Mountfield Parish Councillor, or would just like to discuss it with an existing Member or myself, please contact me on – [email protected] – or phone me on 01424 838414.
Irene – Parish Clerk


Dave Wadeson – “Dave the Post”

As many of you probably know, Dave Wadeson – known to all at Mountfield as Dave the Post – is retiring after many year of dedicated service.
He certainly went above and beyond the call of duty and his efforts are gratefully appreciated.  We will miss him.
We have arranged for a presentation to him at the Mountfield Parish Assembly on 18th April 2023, in the Village Hall at 7.30pm.
We hope you will join us to chat with Dave and wish him a long and happy retirement.
Irene – Parish Clerk

Notice of Uncontested Parish Election and Statement of Persons Nominated for District Councillors

Please click on the link below to see the Notice of Uncontested Election for Parish Councillors and the Statement of Persons Nominated for District Councillors.
Notice of Uncontested Election for Parish Councillors and Statement of Persons Nominated for District Councillors
Further information for all Rother Parishes and Wards can be found on the link below.

£7,000.00 from SE Water Community Scheme

Due to the recent water outage at Mountfield, SE Water have paid Mountfield Parish Council £7,000.00 in compensation – to be spent for the benefit of the Mountfield Community.
This is the only way SE Water will compensate Mountfield residents, despite efforts by myself and other clerks of parishes that were involved – they will not compensate individual residents.
So we are asking you all how you wish the funds to be spent – there will be an opportunity for you all to let us know at the Mountfield Parish Assembly – to be held on 18th April 2023, 7.30pm in Mountfield Village Hall and I would also ask that if you wish to let us know before that – please email me with your wishes at  [email protected]
Irene – Parish Clerk

SAVE THE DATE!! – 18.04.23

Apologies – I put the wrong date in my last post for the Parish Assembly.

It should be 18th April 2023, starting at 7.30pm in Mountfield Village Hall.

As always, this is an informal gathering of the Mountfield clubs and organisations and the Mountfield community.
You will have the opportunity to meet your County and District Councillors. chat to old friends, make new ones and have a glass of wine (or a soft drink) with us.
I must stress that this is not a Mountfield Parish Council meeting and no decisions etc., can be made.  If you wish any matter to be placed on our agenda, please contact me on – [email protected]
Looking forward to seeing you all.

SAVE THE DATE! – 11.04.23

The Annual Mountfield Parish Assembly will be held on 11th April 2023, starting at 7.30pm in Mountfield Village Hall.
As always, this is an informal gathering of the Mountfield clubs and organisations and the Mountfield community.
You will have the opportunity to meet your County and District Councillors. chat to old friends, make new ones and have a glass of wine (or a soft drink) with us.
I must stress that this is not a Mountfield Parish Council meeting and no decisions etc., can be made.  If you wish any matter to be placed on our agenda, please contact me on – [email protected]
Looking forward to seeing you all.