Apologies, please note this is the revised agenda for the MPC meeting on 21.03.23.
Parish Council Members are summoned to a Council Meeting of Mountfield Parish Council to be held on 21st March 2023, at 7.30pm in Mountfield Village Hall
Members of the press and public are welcome and encouraged to attend
Irene Marchant – Parish Clerk/RFO
St. Giles, Woods Corner, Dallington, East Sussex TN21 9LA
01424 838414/07711224150
[email protected]
1. Disclosure of Interests
To receive any disclosures by Members of personal interests on the agenda, the nature of any such interest and whether the Member regards the interest as a disclosable pecuniary interest under the terms of the Code of Conduct.
2. Dispensations
3. Apologies for absence
4. Accuracy of the minutes of the previous meetings
5. Open Forum
5.1 County Council report (ESCC) – Councillor K. Field
5.2 District Council report (RDC) – Councillor E. Kirby-Green
5.3 Public Question Time – to receive any questions or concerns from members of the public on items on agenda.
6. Parish Council elections May 2023
To ensure all Members have received the nomination papers and relevant information.
7. Mountfield Parish Assembly April 2023
To finalise arrangement for this.
8. New fencing for playground
To finalise the type and area of new fencing for the playground, then further quotes can be obtained.
9. Flagpole for King George’s Field
For Members to decide on the flagpole to be installed at the KGF, details have been emailed to them.
10. Matters outstanding
- Consultation – Councillor Miles has offered to draft MPC’s response to the Levelling-up and Regeneration Bill consultation: reforms to the National Planning Policy.
- Welcome Packs – in progress.
- MPC Environmental Policy – in progress.
- MPC Resilience Policy – Councillor Cooper.
- Broadband and Phone Box – to be discussed.
11. SE Water compensation payment
Mountfield Parish Council have received £7,000.00 from SE East Water as compensation for the recent water outage. SE Water will only pay compensation to parish councils and not individual customers (other parishes affected have also received a payment).
The Members to discuss the best way to spend this payment for the benefit of the Mountfield community.
12. Planning
11.1 Planning applications for consideration
- RR/2023/257/P – 3 Church Cottages, Church Road
Erection of replacement garage building
Click on this link to see full details on the RDC planning website
- RR/2022/258/P – Fox Earth, field adjacent (A21) TN32 5LX
Change of use from agricultural to flexible commercial use to allow for the erection of 4x glamping pods with individual parking spaces, recycling and storage facilities, communal parking area, electric vehicle charging point and turning area; creation of an access track linked with an existing shared entrance; creation of footpaths to the site; landscaping.
Click on this link to see full details on the RDC planning website
- RR/2023/298/P – 4 Barrack Cottages, John’s Cross Road
Installation of replacement windows to front and rear of property.
Click on this link to see full details on the RDC planning website
- RR/2023/299/L – 4 Barrack Cottages, John’s Cross Road
Listed building consent for above application.
Click on this link to see full details on the RDC planning website
11.2 Any other planning matters for discussion.
13. Enforcement
12.1 Two Mountfield items on RDC’s most recent enforcement list
- ENF/60/23/MOU – Fox Earth, field adjacent TN32 5LX
Works commencing before planning application RR/2022/258/P has been decided.
- ENF/119/22/MOU – Little Millham Annexe, Mountfield Lane
Application awaiting determination.
12.2 Any other enforcement matters for discussion.
14. Highways/Rights of Way
- ESCC Highways have asked that when reporting problems, wherever possible, to take a photo of potholes and any other highways/RoW issues. This is important as location and time will be accurate (most smartphones have this option).
- Any other highways/RoW matters for discussion.
15. Finance
14.1 Bank balances at 28.02.23
- MPC deposit account – £20,525.79
- MPC current account – £3,886.69
- KGF current account – £3,771.92
14.2 To approve the following payments
- Clerk, salary/HO (Feb/Mar 2023), expenses – £945.20
- * SLCC, CAB 13th edition – £141.80
- * Toast, website support – £192.00
- * SLCC subscription 2023-24 – £146.00
* Already paid
14.3 The issues with HMRC over the MPC VAT126 refunds has now been resolved and payment has been made. This has been going on for some 2/3 years.
16. Dates of next meetings
11.04.23 – Mountfield Parish Assembly
18.04.23 – Planning meeting (provisional)
16.05.23 – First council meeting