Be Alert to Vaccine Fraud

Criminals are using the COVID-19 vaccine as a way to target the public by tricking them to hand over cash or financial details.  They are sending convincing-looking text messages letting people know they are eligible for the vaccine or phoning people directly pretending to be from the NHS or local pharmacy.
Click on the link below for more details and how to avoid vaccine fraud.

Click on this link for information and details on how to avoid vaccine fraud

Vaccination roll-out update (17.01.21)

I have some positive news about the vaccination roll-out for Rural Rother.

Heathfield Surgeries

Those residents using the Heathfield Surgeries are being vaccinated at the Meads Medical Centre in Uckfield – moves are ongoing to try and get a more local centre.
Click on the link below to see details.

Heathfield and surrounds vaccination update 17.01.21

Battle Surgeries

Those residents using the Battle Surgeries will be vaccinated at Etchingham Village Hall.  I understand this goes live on Monday 18.01.21.
Click on the link below to see details.

Battle and surrounds vaccination update 17.01.21

The notification of a vaccination appointment appears to be via phone, I know some residents using the Heathfield Surgery have been contacted and vaccinated already.  So keep your phones close to you.
I’ll keep you updated as I get more information.

Irene – Parish Clerk