New planning application for Mountfield

RR/2020/2094/P – Castle Farm, Mountfield Lane
Construction of oak-framed, 3-bay garage attached to existing outbuilding.
Deadline for responses is 08.12.20
Click on the link below to see full details on the RDC planning website.

This application will be on the agenda at the Mountfield Parish Council planning meeting on 24.11.20 (7.30pm in the Village Hall).

RIP Colin Harmer

I learnt today that Colin died in the early hours this morning, he had been ill for some time.
He will be remembered with much love by the Mountfield community and neighbouring parishes, Colin seemed to know everyone.
He devoted his life to Mountfield – chairman of the parish council for many years and a founder member of Battle Area Community Transport.
People sometimes called him “Mr. Mountfield,” he didn’t like that too much, but it was always said with affection.
I remember his kindness and patience when I became Mountfield parish clerk – April 2010 – the time he spent with me telling me all about its history, problems and he was a continual source of support.
It is another sad day for Mountfield.
Irene – Parish Clerk

ESCC consultation on East Sussex Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan (LCWIP)

East Sussex County Council are undertaking a public consultation on the East Sussex Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan (LCWIP).
The deadline for responses is 11.12.20.
You can see full details on the link below

Should you have any queries, please email –

[email protected]

Another planning application for Mountfield

RR/2020/1586/P Johns Cross Cafe, land at Johns Cross Road.
Outline proposed replacement of storage containers with small business units and associated facilities.
Deadline for responses is 01.12.20
Click on the link below to see full details on the RDC planning website.

This application will be on the agenda at the MPC planning meeting on 24.11.20.





We received the very sad news today that Tim Tidmarsh died yesterday, we believe it was a heart attack.
Tim was a much-loved member of the Mountfield community, known with affection to so many of us.
His legacy will be the Mountfield Cricket Club, the beautiful King George’s Field, his work with Mountfield Horticultural Society and in the memories of so many friends in Mountfield.
Our sincere condolences to Angela and his family and the Mountfield Cricket Club.
I feel very sad today.
Irene – Parish Clerk

New planning application for Mountfield

New planning application Mountfield with listed building consent.

RR/2020/1777/P – Johns Cross Inn, Johns Cross
Alterations and extension to adapt accommodation so that it is more suitable for use as a domestic dwelling as approved under previous planning and listed building consents (RR/2016/1446/P, RR/2016/1447/L, RR/206/832/P and RR/2016/833/L).  Works to include, internal alterations, removal of existing lean-to extension, removal of modern chimney stack and erection of new rear extension and a picket fence to the front of the property.
Click on the link below to see full details of the application on the RDC planning website

RR/2020/1778/L – Johns Cross Inn, Johns Cross
Listed building consent for above.
Click on the link below to see full details of the application on the RDC planning website

These will be on the agenda at the next MPC meeting on 10.11.20.





Further Corona virus information

Due to the rapidly changing situation and amounts of information coming down from everyone – I thought it might be helpful to list below links with good safe local information.  These are:

An information flyer for those wishing to contact the Citizens Advice Bureau – please click on link below.

Click here for information from your local Citizens Advice Bureau

Coronavirus information from East Sussex County Council – please click on the link below.

Coronavirus information from Rother District Council – please click on the link below

Hope you find the information helpful – please contact me at [email protected] – if I can do anything else.

Irene – Parish Clerk