ESCC Highways – Roadworks A2100 Mountfield

At last, I have formal confirmation from ESCC Highways about the impending roadworks – A2100 London Road, Mountfield.
Section 1 – 29.06.20 for 4 weeks, from level crossing heading north to John’s Cross roundabout.
Section 2 – 11.07.20 for one night, as shown on map in red (see link below), across junction with gypsum mine access road.
Due to the nature of the works, the road will be closed to through traffic 24 hours a day.  Access to residents and recycling site will be maintained, but you may have to take the diversion route which will be signed on site.
Click on the link below for map and diversion details.


New planning application for Mountfield

Mountfield has a new planning application.
RR/2020/460/P 16 Eatenden Lane, land at – demolition of existing barn and replace with new and erection of machinery store (part retrospective).
Click on the link below to see full details on the RDC planning website

Please note that MPC will not be holding a meeting, due to the coronavirus restrictions, to consider this application.  If you wish to comment, please go directly to the RDC planning website using the link above.

New planning application for Mountfield

Mountfield has a new planning application
RR/2020/455/O The Wood Yard, Church Road – existing lawful B1, B2 and B8 uses as shown on the existing site plan.
Deadline for responses to RDC is 09.06.20.
Click on the link below to see full details on the RDC planning website.

Please note that there will not be a council/planning meeting to consider this application, which will be done on delegated authority.  If you wish to comment, please go directly to the link above.


A beautiful painting of All Saints Church

This is a beautiful painting of All Saints Church by Barbara Valentine – particularly poignant in this 900th anniversary year.  So many events have had to be postponed until next year, but this will give us all some much needed hope for better times.

All Saints Church, Mountfield by Barbara Valentine
All Saints Church, Mountfield painted by Barbara Valentine

Help with home schooling

Cora Courtney Bennett is a year 11 student at Claverham and is offering to help out with home schooling.

Hello, my name is Cora and I’m a Year 11 student at Claverham.  At school I used to volunteer in a peer reading scheme helping pupils struggling with their literacy skills, and I also helped others with Maths work.   I know that, in the current situation, home schooling is very difficult for many parents and children, I would love to offer my time to assist any students with their work, over zoom calls.  If you are interested and want to find out more, please initially contact my mum via her email: [email protected]

Irene (Parish Clerk)


New Planning Application for Mountfield

Mountfield has a new planning application.
RR/2020/401/P – erection of goal netting on the playing field (football field) to north of Mountfield Wastewater Treatment Works, Solomon’s Lane.
Deadline for responses is 0206.20.
Click on the link below to see full details on the RDC planning website.