Space Oddities!

Message from the East Sussex Astronomical Society (ESAS)

Weekly Monday evening YouTube Astro show
The Federation of Astronomical Societies (FAS) has let us know about this new YouTube Astro Show.
Space Oddities is a weekly live panel show featuring an international panel of experts and enthusiasts that streams to YouTube at 8pm UK time on Monday evenings.  The panel is made up of people who where regular members on Astro Radio’s Reach Out and Touch Space show.
Now that Astro Radio is off air, we have created this new show which covers space and astronomy news, upcoming astronomical events and much more.  Our panel has a diverse range of specialist areas, so if you have a question, you can post it in the live chat during the show.

Click on this link for the YouTube channel

Sounds very interesting, especially with all the excitement created by the fabulous images from the James Webb telescope.





New planning application for Mountfield

RR/2022/111/P – Keepers Cottage, Mountfield Lane
Two-storey extension to rear, demolition of existing porch, internal alterations.
Deadline for comments is 11.03.22.
This application and it’s listed building consent will be on the agenda at the MPC meeting on 08.03.22.

Click on this link to see full details on the RDC planning website

Click on this link to see full details on the RDC planning website – listed building consent



Mountfield Parish Council have a vacancy for a Councillor due to the resignation of Caroline Hollamby, she gave great service to the Mountfield community and will be missed.
We hope to co-opt a new Councillor at our meeting on 18.01.22 (agenda to be published shortly).
If anyone is interested in applying, please download the application below and for any further information, contact the Clerk on – [email protected] – or phone me on 01424 838414.
All application forms must be received by the Clerk by 4.00pm on 14.01.22.
Irene – Parish Clerk

MPC Casual Vacancy Application Form


Draft Minutes of the Mountfield Parish Council Planning/Enforcement Meeting held on 14.12.21

Councillors S. Rickman-Smith (Chair), P. Miles, J. Ray
Mrs. I. Marchant (Parish Clerk/RFO)

1. Disclosures of Interest

None declared.

2. Dispensations

None requested.

3. Apologies for Absence

Apologies were received from Councillors Hardy, Taylor and Whines.

4.  Open Forum

Public Question Time – No members of the public were present.

5. Planning

5.1 Planning applications for  consideration

RR/2021/2586/P – 2 Crossing Farm, land at Eatenden Lane
Application for reserved matters for the approval of access, appearance, landscaping, layout and scale for the erection of a pair of semi-detached dwellings (outline application approved on appeal APP/U1430/W/18/3218578).
Agreed – to support this application.  The Chair and Councillor Miles agreed support, Councillor Ray objected.

RR/2021/2386/P – 9 Mountfield Villas, Solomons Lane
Demolition of existing garage and erection of replacement detached garage.
Agreed – to object to this application on the following grounds:

  • The current building line must be maintained, so it does not protrude by approximately 3.3 metres as proposed.
  • Ideally the ridge height should be reviewed so it becomes less overbearing.

RR/2021/2700/P – 1 Mountfield Villas, Hoath Hill
Proposed demolition of existing storage building and erection of replacement detached garage building.
Agreed – to support this application.

5.2 Other planning matters for discussion

  • Resolved – to confirm the Clerk’s delegated authority to respond, on behalf of MPC,  to planning applications when it is not possible to hold a meeting.  This authority will only be used when absolutely necessary.  The Chair proposed and Councillor Miles seconded, the voting was unanimous.
  • Concern was expressed by Members at the number of undecided planning applications still held by RDC.  At 14.12.21 (includes all Rother applications) the number was 170.  Mountfield had 15 application still undecided.
  • In spite of the above numbers causing concern, the Members agreed that things were improving, albeit very slowly.

6. Enforcement

  • No Mountfield items on recent RDC weekly enforcement list.
  • There are major concerns regarding enforcement issues at Baldwins Farm and RDC’s enforcement action is noted.

7. Dates of next meetings

  • 18.01.22 – Full Council Meeting
  • 08.02.22 – Planning Meeting (provisional, will only be held if required)



ESCC Highways – Fortnightly Lookahead w/c 29.11.21

Message from ESCC Highways

Please find details of our planned maintenance works for the next 14 days, which include works in your area on the following link: This is updated on a weekly basis, and we will continue to send more detailed information of higher impact works.

If you would like further details on any of the listed works, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Please get back to me if you have any questions about this.

Kind regards

Corinne Black | Customer Service Manager Customer Contact Centre | East Sussex Highways Tel: 0345 60 80 193 | Website:

Mountfield Family Fireworks and Bonfire Night 05.11.21

The fabulous Mountfield Family Fireworks and Bonfire Night will take place on 5th November 2021 at the Bonfire Field in Solomon’s Lane.
The gates will open at 6pm, donations at the gate, burgers/hot dogs and refreshments available.
This is a community event, organised by Mountfield Village Hall, and all are welcome.

Farming in Protected Landscapes Programme

This opens in July 2021 and through the programme farmers and land managers can be supported to carry out projects that:

  • support nature recovery
  • mitigate the impacts of climate change
  • provide opportunities for people to discover, enjoy and understand the landscape and cultural heritage
  • support nature-friendly, sustainable farm businesses

This is a programme of funding for one-off projects covering these areas of work, not an agri-environment scheme.

The programme is part of Defra’s Agricultural Transition Plan.  It has been developed by Defra with the support of the AONB and National Park staff from across the country.

Click here to see full details on the Defra website

Vacancy for a Mountfield Parish Councillor

As you all probably know, John Snuggs has resigned from MPC and it is now legal for us to advertise for another councillor.
The application form is attached below and the deadline for responses is 4pm on Wednesday 7th July 2021 (preferably by email to me – [email protected] – or by post to my address, this on on the application form.
If you would like any further information, please do not hesitate to contact me, either by phone – 01424 838414 or on my email above.
We hope to co-opt our new councillor at our meeting on Tuesday 13th July.

MPC Casual Vacancy Application Form